My Friends Are A Different Breed


I was jerked into consciousness about three hours later to hear Katie screaming at me.

“Emmy, get your ass up out of bed! We’re here!”

I rolled over, forgetting that I was in a top bunk until I was in a heap on the floor. Rubbing my head, I walked out into the kitchenette. Along with the rest of my band, Alex and Jack were sitting at the table, devouring pancakes. Everyone turned to look at me and chuckled. My choppy, two-toned hair (thanks to Katie’s amazing cosmetology skills), was sticking up in all directions and I was wearing my Jack Skellington boxers. I felt my face turn red.

“Looking good,” said Alex, letting out a wolf whistle. I flipped him off and stuck my head in the fridge, pretending to look for food but really just hiding my continuously growing blush. I’ve known Alex since I was twelve years old, almost ten years. That’s also how long I’ve been secretly in love with him, and how long he has had no idea. He was even my senior prom date, due to a promise we had made when we were in middle school. He was one of my very best friends. He knew everything about me, minus my feelings towards him of course. There were so many times over the past few years where I came close to telling him, but I always chickened out last minute in fear of ruining our friendship. I knew he would never feel the same towards me—I was his cousin’s best friend, three years younger, and he was a rockstar.

I grabbed some milk and cereal and sat down between Katie and Alex, the later fluffing my hair.

“Were you going for a raccoon look? Because you’re definitely pulling it off,” he said, smirking.

“Oh shut up Alex,” Katie said, flicking his ear.

“Katie, Katie, Katie!” Jack screamed.

“Yes Jack?”

“You look pretty this morning,” he said cheekily.

Alex rolled his eyes and shoved Jack off his chair. “Anyways,” he said,” if you guys want to go ahead and set up your equipment on the stage you can practice before us.”

“Practice? Who needs practice?” Blaze scoffed.

Cassadee snickered,” I think you do, Blazie, seeing as you forgot the words at the last show!”

He pouted and muttered an excuse.
“Emmy, go get dressed so we can go explorin’!” Alex said, tugging on my arm.

“Fine,” I sighed, getting up. He grinned and kissed me on the cheek, butterflies taking over my stomach.