Status: A little nervous about posting this :/

She Had Me At Bonjour


“I don’t pay attention that kind of stuff! How would I know?” I couldn’t help but laugh at the boy staring at me through the computer screen.

“Krysha! If you don’t know then check! Hurry, before Zack comes back and sees me using his computer. He was already sad that Jack needed help with whatever it was!” Alex looked back over his shoulder and sighed, seeing no one coming.

“Why was he sad?”

“’Cause it means less time to talk to you, m’dear.” I blushed at his comment and scratched my head.

“I’m seeing you guys tomorrow though.”

Alex chuckled and gave me a weird look. “You’re so blind. Everyone sees it.”

“Sees what?!”

“Nevermind. Anyways, can you stop avoiding my question?”

I stuck my tongue out at him and looked at the end of my bed. “Yes, it is. You happy?”

“Yup!” Alex leaned into the computer and gave it a hug. Something pulled him back and Zack was standing right next to him, a confused look on his face.

“Yo, uh what are you doing to my computer?”

“I was giving Krysha a hug. Virtually.” Alex wiggled his eyebrows.

“And why?”

“’Cause she’s awesome!”

“You’re just saying that because my second toe is taller then my big toe.”

“Yeah, duh! That makes you fucking awesome!”

Zack stood there, slightly confused before kicking Alex out of his room. He smiled at laughed.

“He’s easily amused.” I nodded my head in agreement.

We haven’t mentioned the kiss on the harbor at all. It’s been a little past a month since then. I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean, considering I think about it all the time. But we have talked almost every day since then. Even Cree has gotten pretty close with them.

“So what plans are on the Merrick agenda for tomorrow?” I shifted my position and my computer was now resting on my lap.

“Nothing during the day, but I think we’re having practice later that night. You wanna come listen?” The look he was giving me was too adorable to resist. So I said yes.

“Hey, do you and the rest of the guys want to hang out during the day? Maybe go to the mall or something?” I gave Zack the same look he gave me.

“I’ll go, but let me ask the guys real quick.” I nodded and he called everyone up. Rian said he’ll go and bring Kara, Jack sounded excited to shop, and Alex said he’d go if I “bring a friend of the female gender”.

“So, the mall at 12 tomorrow?”

“Yup, then practice here at 5.”

“All right, Merrick. I’m gonna sleep. G’night!”

“What, no sweet dreams? I’m offended.” Zack crossed his arms and stuck out his bottom lip.

Don’t give in. Don’t give in. Don’t give in. Don’t- Ah fuck, he’s just too adorable.

“Sweet dreams, Zacky.” I gave him a soft smile.

“Sweet dreams, Krysh.” He smiled back and I shut my computer, putting it on the charger and laying it on my desk. I looked at the clock. Bright red numbers flashed an 11:11. I closed my eyes, making a wish. Yeah, I wish on 11:11. What can I say, I’m a little kid on the inside.

I wish… I wish for… There was only thing I really wished for right now. Zack. Cliché, I know.

I opened my eyes and l walked into Cree’s room across the hall. She was home, surprisingly. She’s been spending weekends at the hospital with dad. He still hasn’t woken up. Maybe tomorrow will cheer her up. Hanging with the guys always seems to get Cree in a better mood.

“Cree?” She spun around in her chair and looked at me with her light brown eyes.

“Do you want to hang out with me and the guys tomorrow? We’re going to the mall and then their practice.” She shook her head.

“Yeah, that sounds good. Wake me up an hour before we go, okay?”

“Okay. Sleep tight Cree. I love you.”

“Love you too Krysha.”

I shut her door and walked into my room. I picked up my phone from my bed and opened it up, finding 2 new texts. I opened the first one from Rian.

Rian: You’re bringing cree right? Bring another friend for jack. He might get lonely.

I typed up my reply, a look of confusion taking over my features.

Uhh, what do you mean? He’ll have alex and cree.

I got a response almost immediately.

Rian: Cmon Krysha. Don’t tell me you don’t see the obvious sexual tension between alex and cree.

Sexual… what?

Riight. Believe what you want. I’ll bring someone else.

I went back to my inbox to check the second text. Zack’s name came up and my stomach got all fluttery. I checked the text and I swear my body just shut itself down.

Zack: Thought about you and decided to say good night again :)

The time the text was sent was what made me freeze in place. 11:12…

_ _ _

It took me a while to realize that it wasn’t my imagination and to get my body to operate correctly again. I remembered what Rian said about finding someone for Jack and thought about it for a while.

Angela! They’d be perfect together! They’re both random and hyper and funny. I started typing in Angela’s number but stopped myself at the 4th digit. What am I doing? It’s been a year since I’ve talked to her. Why would she want to come hang out or even talk after a year of avoidance?

I heard Cree’s light footsteps coming towards my room. The door opened to reveal Cree in pajamas and her hair in a messy bun.

“Just call her. She was your best friend. Plus, she should understand, considering the situation.” She closed the door and walked back into her room, shutting off the light and going to bed.

How… what? How did she know? I stood there with the most confused look on my face and dialed the rest of Angela’s number. After pressing the green button, I put my phone up to my ear and listened to the dial tone. A few seconds later, Angela’s adorably high-pitched voice filled my ears.



“Krysha? Is that you? God, it’s been forever! Do you know how much you scared me? All of a sudden you become all distant and then you just stop talking to me all together! You ignored my texts, IMs, calls, e-mails. Krysh I was so worried about you.” Her voice trailed off at the end and my eyes started to water. I could hear her throat closing up and her voice becoming strained.

“I-I’m so sorry Angela. I r-really am. It’s just, it w-was a hard time and n-not something I could g-get over so q-quickly.” Grabbing a tissue from the box on my nightstand, I dried my eyes and laughed into the receiver.

“Oh god Angela. We’re here venting our souls out and crying. I feel like it’s high school all over again.” We both laughed a bit, sharing memories back and forth.

“Hey, Krysh? What made you decide to call me all of a sudden?”

I bit my lip and looked down at my lap. “W-Well, a group of friends and I are going to the mall, then to their band practice and I wanted to know if you wanted to go?” My voice raised an octave towards the end, making it sound like a question.

She laughed and sighed. “You don’t have to be so nervous around me. You know that. But yes, I’d love to tag along. Thanks for the invite.” I smiled and thanked her, hanging up not to long afterwards.

_ _ _

“CREE. HURRY UP!” My fists hurt from pounding repeatedly on her door. She was taking forever to get ready. Finally, she came out of her room and smiled up at me. I rolled my eyes and we got in my car, driving to the mall.

When we parked, we saw the guys standing outside of Macy’s. We walked up and said out hellos before Jack picked us up in a bone-crushing hug. Alex gave me a hug and eyed Cree up and down, clearly admiring her outfit choice. Rian gave us both small hugs, as well as Kara. When I walked up to Zack, I wrapped my arms around his waist and his went around my back. We stayed like that for a few minutes before we heard coughing next to us. We let go and I looked over to my left. Standing in all her glory was Angela. We stared at each other for a few seconds before busting out screams and squeals, hugging each other for what seemed like forever.

“You have some explaining to do. Stuff like why you were just hugging the bassist of All Time Low. And why he looked like he didn’t want to let go,” Angela whispered in my ear as we were hugging. We pulled apart and I gave her a smile mouthing an “I’ll tell you later.”

Jack turned his head around to see what the whole screaming thing was about, his eyes nearly shooting out of his sockets when he say Angela. I silently cheered for my awesome match making skills, since Angela was pretty much doing the same thing to him.

“Heeeey, lovefest? Can we do this later? Let’s go SHOPPING!” Cree and Kara giggled, running into the nearest store and browsing through clothes. We all followed them inside and took a seat on the couches by the dressing rooms. Both shopping-crazed girls ran into dressing rooms with handfuls of clothes, each one coming out to model the outfits. Rian said that Kara looked amazing in every outfit she tried on, which made her blush. Whenever Cree would try on something short or revealing, Alex approved.

“I THINK KARA AND CREE SHOULD PICK OUT OUTFITS IN HERE FOR ANGELA AND KRYSHA!” Jack jumped up and down on the couch, like a kindergartener eager to answer a question. Angela shrugged, but my eyes couldn’t get any wider. Nothing in this store was my style; it’s all too short and skimpy. Before I could protest, we were being thrown into the dressing rooms with our outfit. I quickly changed into mine and looked in the mirror, cringing. How can people wear this?! The dress barely even went mid-thigh. I have to admit, the pinstripe tights and 2-inch ankle boots DID look good, but the dress was a bit much.

Angela knocked on the wall separating us. “You done?”

I said yes and we stepped out of the dressing rooms.

Angela was wearing shorts with flower printed tights, a short skirt, a big tunic shirt, and ankle boots similar to mine.

Rian high-fived Kara and Cree and Alex looked us up and down before nodding his head in approval.

Jack grabbed Angela’s hands and stared up at her from where he was sitting. “Marry me?” She stuck her tongue out at him playfully and ruffled his hair.

I looked over at Zack and raised my eyebrows, asking for approval. His jaw was nearly on the floor. I laughed and took that as a yes.

We ended up buying the outfits after much begging from everyone. When I slipped back into my jeans, I felt ten times more comfortable.

“Aww lighten up, Krysh! The dress looks amazing on you!” Cree bumped her hip to mine and smiled at me.

“When would I ever even wear it?”

“A party, or a club, or something like that.”

“The was you said that makes it seem like I do it every night. Besides I wouldn’t go to a club, it’s not my scene. And when was the last time I was invited to a party?”

Cree licked her lips and looked at Kara.

“We can take you to a party! Oh it’ll be so fun! Us 4 girls, hanging out, getting all dolled up and pretty!” Kara jumped up and down and squealed with excitement at her idea. Angela looked she could manage, Cree looked just as excited as Kara, and my face must have been priceless.

“Guys, a party isn’t really something I would go to. I mean, I have no need to get hella drunk. And I’m shy, you know how I get when I’m nervous!”

The looks on their faces pretty much shut me up right there. Woo, a party. Note the sarcasm.

_ _ _

It’s been 3 hours since we first got here and I think everyone except Cree, Kara, Angela, and Jack wanted to leave.


“LET’S GET FOOD!” Angela giggled and stuck her tongue out at Jack, who stuck his out in return. They’d really be adorable together.

“Well catch up later. There’s a sale going on at Sephora!” Cree grabbed Kara’s arm and they hurried off in the opposite direction of the food court.

“Jaaaaack let’s go now! I’m hungry!” Angela looked up at Jack with puppy dog eyes and pointed to some pizza place in the food court. He looped his arm with hers, and they skipped off into food-land.

“Well, you want to just walk around or something?” Alex tugged at his hair and looked at Zack, Rian, and I. We nodded and walked around the mall, me window browsing and the guys just… walking.

My eyes caught sight of the most amazing thing I’ve seen all day. I walked backwards and stopped in front of the glass, putting my hands and forehead against the glass.

“Oh my god, this is the most amazing thing I’ve seen all day.”

Alex looked over and scoffed. “A paint set? Really?”

I shot him a glare and turned back to the beautiful paint set, my eyes sparkling. It was an acrylic set, with the most gorgeous shades I’d ever seen. It came in tubes and the set included a mixing tray and 3 brushes, one small, one medium, and one big. It all came in a reddish wooden case.

“Damn! $100 for a paint set. That should be illegal.” I looked at Rian and frowned when I realized he was right. It was $100. I couldn’t afford that with all I bought today!

Groaning, I continued walking until we found everyone else and sat by the giant carousel in the middle of the mall.

“Krysha. Krysha. Krysha. Krysha. Krysha. Krysha. Krysh-“

“What Jack?”

“Can I borrow ten bucks?”

“What for?”


“It’s not ten bucks for one person.”

“But it’s me and Angelalalala!”

“Fine.” I handed him a ten and cringed when he took it. Five dollars for one person to ride the carousel. What a rip-off.

Jack and Angela climbed up to the top level and each sat on an animal. Jack sat on a purple sea horse and Angela sat on a turtle.

“They’re such children.”

I nodded to Kara. Not even a minute later, we heard screams from the carousel. Every turned around to see Jack shirtless and Angela spinning his shirt around in the air.

“LET’S GET NAKED!” By now the adults were giving them dirty looks and the kids were all clapping and giggling.

The ride stopped and the two got of laughing so hard, no noise came out.

All the moms were glaring daggers at them while the rest of us dragged them out of the mall and drove to the guy’s house, our faces pink with embarrassment.

_ _ _

“Alright, we’ll play one more song then we’re done, ‘kay girls?” They started playing familiar song and Cree got excited, leaning in to listen. Kara was laying her feet on all of us girls while her back rested against the armrest, flipping through a Glamour magazine. Angela was nodding her head to the beat and I was tapping my foot along with Rian’s drums.

When the finished the song, all the guys grabbed a drink and sat down with the girls. Angela grabbed my hand and pulled me off of the couch. When we were in the kitchen, she gave me a confused look.

“Okay, tell me why Zack wouldn’t stop looking at you throughout practice, and why he looked like he never wanted to let you go back at the mall.”

“He was looking at me?” I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my face.

“Uhm, yeah. You’d have to blind not to notice. Now tell me what’s going on between you two!”

“Nothing’s going on. We’re just friends.”

“Bullshit. Tell me what’s really going on.”

“Angela, that’s seriously what’s going on. We’re just friends. Nothing more.”

She looked like she didn’t believe me. I wasn’t lying though! We were just friends.

“You like him, don’t you? And he likes you. I mean, that part’s obvious.”

“I don’t like him like that. And why does everyone think he likes me?! He doesn’t!”

“Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that, hon.”

“ANGELALALALA AND KRYSHA WE’RE WATCHING A MOVIE! LET’S GOOO!” Jack ran off grabbing Angela with him. I followed them and sat on the couch next to Cree and the arm of the couch. Zack put in some movie I wasn’t paying attention to listen to, and sat on the other end of the couch, glancing at me before fully sitting down.

Turns out the movie was a horror movie, my absolute favorite. Nothing like hideously fake effects and red dye to make me laugh.

Apparently it did the opposite for Angela, whose face was buried in Jack’s chest. Telling by his huge grin, he didn’t mind at all.

Rian looked genuinely scared, and Kara sat next to him, not phased in the slightest. It’s like she’s seen this movie 10 times before.

Alex and Cree were too busy having a silent staring contest to care about someone’s arm being chainsawed off. Finally, they broke their stares. But only for the amount of time it took for them to get off the couch and run into Alex’s room to do God knows what. I mentally gagged at the thought of… nevermind.

When the movie was over, I couldn’t help but laugh hysterically. Everyone in the room gave me the weirdest looks they could make and that just made me laugh harder.

“T-The mov-vie! It was so fa-hake!” I was laughing so hard, tears were coming out of my eyes. I clutched my stomach and fell off the couch, lying on my back on the ground, still laughing. Soon everyone was laughing along with me. When Cree and Alex came back in the room –with their clothes and hair messed up and their lips swollen, yuck—they had such confused faces.

“What the fuck?” Cree looked at me and tilted her head to the side a bit, meaning she was indeed confused.


_ _ _

“’Kay, everyone out of our house! Jack pointed towards the door while standing in a superhero stance. Did I mention he wasn’t wearing pants?

“Alright, Caption Underpants.”



Jack put on a frowny face and put his head down shuffling over to me and wrapping me in a hug. I hugged him back and laughed, muttering a goodbye.

“See! Krysha’s nice!”

I said my good byes to Rian, Alex, and Kara, giving them all a hug. Everyone else said goodbye and gave hugs, and soon it was just Zack and I standing in front of the door. We smiled at each other and he pulled me into a hug. I whispered good-bye in his ear and he let go, looking around before pecking my lips and saying bye.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was like 6 or 7 pages and it still sucks.
Oh well. The next one should be better. It's taking place at that party ;D
I'm so sorry for the late update! This was supposed to be out like 2 days ago. I was suddenly distracted all the time.

Oh, and do you guys like the new layout? I might have an idea for another one, so if I end up making it you can vote on which you like better :) The picture reminds me of Krysha at the harbor.

Readers: 54; Subscribers: 16; Comments: 33
I love the comment enthusiasm. I got 7 last chapter :D
Keep it up! I love you all! Comment&Subscribe!

(By the way, the chapters are in italian if you didn't know before.)