Torn Rose Petals

Torn Rose Petals

She was so young and innocent. How could they do this to her?
How could anyone expect this eight year old to learn multiplication?

She rest her aching blonde head on her desk just as there was a knock on the classroom door. Moments later, the third grade teacher called her name saying she had to pack her things.
Hastily the math book was snatched up in her pale hands as she exited the room to find a lady waiting. The school’s guidance counselor introduced herself and told the little girl to pack up to go home. There were people here to pick her up. The girl was too shy to question this stranger, so she packed the backpack and tied her shoes.

The walk towards the office was drawn out in silence and once she spotted her mother’s friends, the eight year old knew something was wrong. Her mother was supposed to be out of the province with them to see her father in the hospital.
Questions filled the child’s mind as she was lead out to her van, where her mother was waiting. Her mom’s eyes were bloodshot, and tears stained her distressed face. The girl’s face was quick to look the same when she was told that her father had died.

She sat in the backseats with her mom and a box of Kleenex while her mother’s friends drove to pick up her brother. The eleven year old left his junior high school, and got into his family’s van. The girl watched through her tears as her older brother was told of his father’s passing.

He didn’t cry.

When the van pulled up at their house, everyone went inside. The little girl got herself a cheese string as it was lunch time. She had stopped crying after she saw how her brother hadn’t. The two of them went downstairs and watched the t.v. guide channel for over a half hour. The girl sat in her father’s Lazyboy chair and thought quietly. She would glance at her older brother from time to time.
He never cried the whole time they sat down in the basement. The girl however, would let a few sobs escape from time to time.

It took a while until she wouldn’t cry when she thought of him.

It took almost as long for her brother to start crying.
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hope you like it xoxo