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Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Ten

*Back to Mel’s POV*

The doctor went out of the room ten minutes later, after they wasted time to make Shane worry.
Two seconds later, he flew back in.
“I can’t do. I just can’t…” He looked about close to tears.
“I’ve never seen Shane cry. He did not cry as a baby. He did not cry when he broke his ribs falling from a tree. He cried when his mother died. And he’s crying now.” With that, Doctor Henson burst into tears.
Oh my goodness. What have I done?
Mel was frantic.
I made him cry.
It made her hurt like she’s never hurt before.
She was breaking in half.
What have I done?
Quickly, Mel ran out into the hallway to face him.
To face his tears.
His pain.
His sadness.
“Oh my God, Shane. It was a joke honey. I didn’t know you would take it like this. I only wanted to get back at you for the bite. To prank you. Oh, God, what have I done?”
Shane looked up and growled.
Not a playful growl.
Not a “I’m going to get you and make you like it” growl.
It was a “you’ve pushed me to fucking far this time.” growl.
Before she could blink, he had her pinned to the wall behind her.
“You BITCH!!!! I thought I’d KILLED YOU!!!!”
Rage contorted his face into a hateful sneer.
“I was ONLY JOKING! I didn’t think it was that serious! If you would have realized it was a joke to begin with, we wouldn’t be in this mess! I was dying of LAUGHTER!”
Mel shouted right back at him, not one to sit still and take it.
She always dishes it back.
His breathing deepened, ragged breaths racking his athletic frame.
He leaned his forehead against hers, his breath fanning across her cheeks.
“You know why it scared me so damn bad?”
“No.” she answered in a whisper.
“Because you are so fragile. So little. I’m afraid to touch, afraid that you will crumble into a million pieces and my heart crumbles with you. I’m afraid that I’ll wake up one day and you will be gone. You won’t be in my arms anymore. I’m afraid of losing you, afraid that when I do, I will lose myself. God, can’t you see that?!” With that last conviction, he shook her slightly.
“If anything happened to you, it would kill me. It would break my heart.
My spirit.
My soul.
Because you ARE all those things to me. You are EVERYTHING to me. God, how I love you!”
Then he took her mouth in a savage kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
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