Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Thirteen.

“Oh, my God, Darren! Are you alright?” Mel felt so bad!
“I am fine, are YOU alright?” he asked, concerned.
“Oh, I am fine. It’s just….” She did not finish because Shane came flying out of the house, his face pinched with concern.
“MELINDA! Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, geez. What’s the big deal about ME being hurt? I just picked someone up with my mind and threw them in the pool and you are all concerned about me?”
“He’s a vampire, he’s fine. But you being human with a new psychic ability, it may be taxing on your health.”
“I’m fine! I maybe human but I’m not going to break if you bat an eyelash. I am not THAT fragile.” she retorted.
They treat me like a China doll… Mel thought.
“But…” Shane started.
“NO BUTS!!! I am human, I may not be made of the same cloth you guys are, but I am strong in my own way. Don’t be afraid I’ll break or I am going to break some bones!”
“Fine…” Shane agreed, reluctantly.
“Now that that is over with, anyone want to explain to me what just happened?”
“Ummm… Not really.” Darren said and scampered toward the house.
Mel turned to Shane, who was smirking.
“My kiss gave you superpowers.”
“Haha, funny Shane! Now tell me the truth.”
“Ok, it may not be my kiss so much as the fact that you are my mate. The more our bond grows, the more you will share powers with me. When I turn you, we will have the same powers, only mine will be stronger since I am the male and by then will be the king.”
Oh, now he decides to be sexist? Uh, huh. Let’s see how he likes this… Mel’s evil shoulder devil whispered into her ear.
“I’m sorry, honey dear, but I don’t kiss or sleep near sexists. I’m going to have to ignore you for a bit.” With a huff, and an exaggerated sway in her hips that made him groan, she waltzed to the house, gloating all the way.
Haha, the next however many years is going to be so much fun! Mel’s shoulder devil laughed with glee.
So much fun….

*Shane’s POV*

Oh, crap. Shane thought.
I forgot that Mel hates dominating, sexist men.
Holy freaking CRAP!
You idiot! His little shoulder devil shouted at him (the shoulder devil version of Shane was so cute with his little devil horns!)
He could faintly hear the sound of Cat and Mouse by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus blasting, and the twirl of Mel’s figure through the room as she danced.
Then, he heard a distinctive “Ouch! Stupid bed!” as she hopped around the room holding her wounded toe.
That’s my Mel. He thought with pride.
Then, as night descended, he got an idea.
A wonderfully awful idea.
Staring at a certain stare that seemed to twinkle more than the others, he smiled.
And that star’s twinkle seemed to fall into his eyes, a triumphant gleam settling in for the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
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