Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Fourteen

*Mel’s POV*

Her toe was throbbing.
It’s not her fault that the bed appeared right in front of her.
She growled.
Go to you happy place.
Happy place…
Ok, happy place is not going to work.
Shane without a shirt?
She kind of missed him…
No! Bad! He was being a sexist pig! Her little shoulder devil informed her.
But he’s so yummy…Her opposite shoulder angel pouted.
Darn you shoulder devil! Mel thought.
Oh, well.
Hmmm. What to do what to do?
She hasn’t checked her email in a while…
She looked around until she found Shane’s skull and cross-bone designed Dell laptop, the kind with the changeable covers.
She didn’t know his password so she signed on as a guest.
Load. Load. Load. LOAD!
Gah, their internet is SLOW.
Come on! Load the
She typed in her email and password.
Inbox (10).
Thank you.
Mibba: Story Update Notification.
Who in the world?
Should she click?
Or should she not in case it is a virus?
Click. Hey, it’s not her computer. Hehe.
“Dear Melinda,
This is your Aunt Lola. I hope you are doing alright. I hope you haven’t killed darling Shane yet.”
How in the world did she know who Shane is? Mel thought.
“Oh, and just in case you are wondering how I know Shane, I knew that you were his mate a long time ago. I was hired to look after you. Speaking of which, I’m not technically your aunt. Oops! I AM your godmother though dear, and I hope you know that I want to go shopping with you on your wedding night! ;-). I know just what Shane likes! I love you my darling, and please take care of yourself! Give Shane my love!
Love and hugs,
Aunt Lola.”

Aunt Lola? Helping me shop for my wedding night? EWWW! Melinda was gagging at the thought.
Don’t get her wrong, she loves her Aunt, but lingerie shopping with her? No way! And how does she know what Shane likes?
Plus she’s not my aunt. Isn’t that lovely? Mel sighed. Then another thing popped into her head.
She knew that I was Shane’s mate and was sent to watch after me? He’s gonna get it! Mel thought furiously.
“That arrogant, egotistical, scheming, conniving, cocky…” Mel was so busy ranting when she walked into the main foyer that she didn’t notice Shane’s friend Xavier in his wolf form at first.
She certainly noticed him when she tripped over him though.
“Uh! Why does this keep happening?” Mel scowled.
“I don’t know, but would you get up? YOU ARE SITTING ON MY LUNG!”
“I am so sorry!” Mel hopped up too fast and fell forward, hitting her stomach on the couch.
“I WAS DOING GOOD!” Mel cried. She hadn’t hurt herself in a week or two, and then, BAM! A pool or couch or bed or door appears.
Once a klutz, always a klutz.
“Are you ok? God, you have two left feet don’t you?” Xavier just couldn’t get over the fact that she was such a klutz.
“Ok, so I run into a tree now and then, sue me. You probably have too!” Mel defended herself.
“You ran into a tree? Haha! And yes, I have run into a tree, but trust me, it felt way better than it hurt!” He winked.
He doesn’t mean…
“EWWW! Oh my God! Instead of getting a room, you got a TREE! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WOODS! You are so GROSS! Uh, and to think I used to think that the woods were beautiful, now I realize that there are creatures like you out there! EWWWWWWWWW!” The mental pictures Mel got from that….EWWW.
“Uh, no wonder you and Shane are best friends. You both have dirty minds! UH!” She couldn’t get rid of the mental picture…
GET OUT OF MY HEAD! Mel thought frantically.
Xavier stood there smirking like an idiot.
“I should have just stayed sitting on you to stab you in the lung.” Mel huffed and walked away.
“Perverted, sick, twisted, dirty minded…” She walked outside, ranting at Xavier.
A telescope was placed along the side of the pool with a note that read: “Look into at midnight.”
It probably wasn’t meant for her.
Then, being the idiot she is, she saw that the note in the very top corner said, To: Mel.
Ok, but why?
Whatever. She felt like a swim anyway.
She strolled over to the pool house, finding a section of bathing suits labeled Mel’s, and found one that was appropriate, which was extremely hard to do considering that Shane must have picked them out. Most of them would have been like wearing two pieces of string!
The one she picked out was a light turquoise tankini that would make Shane mad because it covered up too much. That’s what he gets.
She grabbed a towel, not bothering with sunscreen since the sun was setting anyway.
The water was lukewarm, flowing over her skin.
She did several laps, pushing herself to her physical limits, muscles straining.
She loved pushing herself to the limit, feeling more accomplished than she had in a while.
She got out of the pool, but didn’t dry herself off. Instead she grabbed one of those floating chair thingies.
She managed, miraculously, to get herself onto the float without killing herself.
Lulled by the gentle sound of nature and the pool filters, she fell asleep.

*A Couple of Hours Later*

Mel woke up to a nudge on her float. She looked over to see Xavier in his wolf form trying to lick her toes to get her awake.
“I’m up! I’m up!” Mel mumbled sleepily.
Xavier tilted his head towards the telescope, pushing the button his iPhone with his snout.
11:45pm flashed across the screen.
“Ok, I get it.” Quickly she got up, toweling herself off.
She walked over to the telescope, sitting in the lawn chair that sat in front of it.
Why midnight? Would it hurt to peak before then? Mel thought, then glanced over to find Xavier watching her like a hawk.
Ok, it would hurt. He’s probably sit on her lung for payback.
So she waited until Xavier let out a small bark.
She gazed into the telescope, awed at the stars that twinkled back at her.
One twinkled a little more brightly than the others.
No matter how she tried, she couldn’t take her eyes away from it, it was just so beautiful.
Suddenly, she felt a breath on her neck, instinct telling her that it was Shane.
“That star that’s twinkling just a little bit more? It has been bought just recently.” His deep voice sent shivers down her spine against her will.
“By who?” She asked.
“Someone rich, handsome, and who has a lovely woman by his side.”
Lucky woman. Mel thought, just a bit envious.
“What did he name it?”
“Melinda’s Melody.”
That woman has the same…
Oh, he didn’t!
She turned to face Shane, the star’s twinkle present in his eyes.
“You bought me a star?” her voice was barely above a whisper.
“I thought you needed one. You are my star, and I wanted you to have your own.”
I hate it when he’s sappy. It makes me cry… Mel thought, tears glistening in her eyes.
“I should have wore the bikini.” She mumbled.
“Why? What does a bikini have to do with anything?” He was definitely confused.
“I wore a tankini to get back at you, but if I would have known you were going to buy me a star…” she trailed off.
“Oh, sweetheart. You’d be gorgeous in a potato sack.” He said with a smile.
She just smiled back at him.
“I can’t believe you bought me a star! They cost so much!” She was flabbergasted.
“Money has no value when it comes to you.”
She’s neck deep in sap, and it was working.
“You are going to spoil me!” she fake slapped his arm.
“Not before you spoil me!” He replied with a wink, to which Xavier gagged and trotted away.
Mel blushed.
“Well in that case…” she said cheekily.
He leaned his head down and kissed her.
Their star twinkled brightly for a second, as though it was winking down at them.
♠ ♠ ♠
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