Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Seventeen

Mel waited, her patience running thin.
“Well?” She didn’t mean to but is ounded a little snappy.
“Ok, you want the cold hard truth? I didn’t know what I was feeling for you, and I didn’t want to feel that way. I took it out on you. I hated actually tried to hate you, and tried to convince myself that I did. But then I saw Jake talking to you one day, and realized that I didn’t hate you at all. In fact, I was so jealous that I beat the shit out of Jake the next day. All the guys saw what happened to Jake and didn’t want to suffer the same fate, so they began avoiding you. That’s how the rumors started.”
So he was the reason that this all happened.
“So you are the one who started this whole thing?” Mel was in disbelief. Oh, the jerk!
“I’m sorry…” He began.
“No. Forget it.”
Mel began to walk away, her held high as the tears began to fall.
“Mel!” She ignored him, and began to run.
Through the house.
Up and down one stairway after another.
Not knowing where she was going, just knowing she had to get away.
Finally she reached a dead end.
She slide down the wall, wrapping her arms around herself as she cried.
When two arms wrapped around her, it startled her greatly.
She looked up to see a beautiful woman.
Brown hair the color of Hershey’s chocolate framing a perfect face and blue eyes.
Shane’s eyes.
“Ummm. Hello?”
“Hey sweetheart. I’m Shane’s mother, Esmeralda. Everyone calls me Mira though. I’m so sorry for what Shane did. I wish that I could fix it.”
“It is not yours to fix.”
“I know sweetie. I know.”
She just held Mel as she cried.
Just like a mother.
Just like a mother Mel never had.
♠ ♠ ♠
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