Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Eighteen

“…and I felt like such an outcast. I had nobody. NOBODY!!!!!”
Mel was now angry and vented it out to Mira.
Mira was just like a long lost sister.
They talked, and Mira finally told her how she met Shane’s father.
“I met him at a club. He came over with this masculine swagger that got me right then, but then he tried a pick up line. A PICK UP LINE!!! I was so furious that I picked up my drink and threw it in his face. He actually laughed at me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He took me home, and by the next morning, I found out he was a vampire and I was his mate. And believe it or not, I fell in love with his cheesy pick up line. And his body!!!”
By the time she got to the end of her story, Mel was cracking up.
“Oh my goodness!” Mel’s sides were aching from the force of her laughs.
“Shane’s a lot like his father. They are both headstrong, and believe they are right. Plus, they are both hot, and from what I’ve heard from some of the female vampires around the castle.” She winked at Mel, a knowing twinkle in her eye.
“Ummm. Sorry, Mira, but I kind of don’t want to hear about his former….liaisons.”
“Oh, hmmm. So you two aren’t that far in the relationship. Hmmm. I hope you get there soon. I want grandbabies!!!!”
Ok….Mel thought.
“Ummm. Sorry to crush your hopes but it may be a while.”
Mira pouted.
“Well darn. I hate to break the news to Sebastian.”
“Who’s Sebastian?”
“I am…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments? Subscriptions? Love?
I know, I know. I am prolonging their going to school. BUT it is only because I am still trying to come up with a FANTASTIC idea for their first day back, so don't hate me. I am just trying to keep you entertained 'til then. Any ideas you guys would like, let me know.
Send me a message!!!!-Love you all, Savannah