Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Nineteen

Mel turned to the voice, and there stood Shane’s replica, his father.
“Ummm. Hello.” Mel waved a small wave at him. “We kind of got off to a bad start. I’m sorry. Allow me to reintroduce myself, I am Melinda but everyone calls me Mel.”
Mel lifted her hand out for a handshake, but Sebastian didn’t take it.
“Ummm. I would take your hand but first. Who were you just talking to?”
“Mira?” Mel turned around to call out for her, but she was no longer there.
“She was just right there…” Mel thought, puzzled.
“I’m sorry to break it to you, sweetheart, but no she wasn’t. Mira has been dead for about 5 years.”
“Dead….?” Mel remembers now, back when she was getting back at Shane.
Holy crap. Did I just talk to a dead person? Mel thought.
“Melinda, you know how you are supposed to receive some of Shane’s gifts as your bond grows? This is not one of them. I have never heard of this gift among vampires before. You already had the ability.”
“I can talk to dead people? Ummm. Please tell me that you are lying. PLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE LYING!!!!!!” This last part was a shriek.
Footsteps sounded down the hallway: loud, quick, rapid footsteps.
“MEL? What’s going on?” Shane’s voice was slightly panicked.
“Dad?” He seemed confused that Mel wasn’t physically harmed, but his dad was there.
“Shane, ummm, this maybe difficult to explain, but the best way I can think to put it is this: You’re mate sees dead people.”
“What do you mean dead people?” Shane asked suspiciously.
“Shane? I just had a 3 hour long conversation with…your….mother.” Mel’s voice was quiet.
“Ummm. Yeah. Don’t act so surprised. I am the one who talked to her!”
He glared at Mel for a minute.
“But how? I didn’t give you that! I don’t even have that power.”
“Shane, she already had it. She just didn’t know it.”
Mel was so tired of all this. Learning knew things about the vampire world, and then finding out new stuff about herself.
And she wanted a normal life….
“So, what is she dad?”
“I think she is a witch, son.”
Huh. How neat. I’m a witch.
Woo hoo witchy woman see how high she flies…
♠ ♠ ♠
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