Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Twenty-Two

Thankfully for Mel, the bell rang.
“Melinda? May I speak with you for a moment?”
Mel glanced up at the teacher that she least liked, and felt that the feeling was mutual.
“Melinda, what happened to you to make you change so…dramatically?”
“I’m sorry, Miss, but I don’t think that that is any of your business.” Mel said angrily, but politely.
“I am taking an interest in the changes and welfare of one of my students, it IS my business.”
“Well, I’m sorry, MA’AM, but this student wishes you wouldn’t pry.”
With that, Mel gathered her books and bolted from the room.
“Gah, I hate that teacher!” Mel mumbled furiously under her breath.
Suddenly, she ran into a chest.
A built, male chest.
She looked up, and sighed.
“Jake, I really don’t have time right now.”
“But you have time for Shane?” He growled.
“Yeah, counting that he’s my boyfriend now.”
“You are such a whore! So, I will just bring out your true nature…” He slammed Mel against the lockers, tears began to form in her eyes.
“Let me go!” She sneered, shoving with all her might.
He smacked his lips into hers.
She bit him.
He bit back, and grabbed her derriere (I’ve always wanted to use that word).
She tried to knee his crotch, but was unsuccessful.
She slapped and kicked, all to no avail.
Oh please, oh please, oh please. Mel prayed.
His mouth finally left hers to skim down her throat.
“SHANE!!!!!” Mel screamed as loud as she could.
He would hear her, she knew he would.
Jake slammed his lips back to hers.
He knew that he was about out of time, so he reached into her shirt and her jeans at the same time.
Oh, God.
Mel tried even harder to get away.
“Oh, please don’t.” Mel cried against the onslaught of his lips, tears falling from the corners of her eyes.
Suddenly, Jake was jerked away from her and slammed into the nearby lockers.
Mel’s legs caved, and she fell to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.
Shouts and curses could be heard from a distance, or it seemed like a distance to her. She couldn’t tell.
She wrapped her arms around her legs, cradling herself, trying to find warmth.
She felt so dirty…

*Shane’s POV in first person*
That bastard!!! He touched my Mel and made her cry.
After I beat him up to my satisfaction- well, not completely to my satisfaction, you can’t maim and kill in public. Vampire rules- I turned to find Mel.
She was huddled in the corner, sobbing uncontrollably.
My poor Mel.
I wrapped my arms around her, letting her cry into me.
“Shane, I-hiccup-feel-sniffle-so- DIRTY! Like the time my…” Before she could finish, she passed out on me.
Like the time her what?
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments? Subscriptions? Love?
Hope you like my cliffhanger:-). Sorry I'm evil.
I'm politely evil, though, so that has to count for something.:-)