Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Aunt Lola finally let Mel chose a lavender nightie.
That doesn’t mean she didn’t complain about Mel’s choice though.
“Couldn’t you get something…sexier?” Aunt Lola whined.
“Aunt Lola, this is as sexy as I am getting.” Mel replied in a tone that means, “It’s final!”
Aunt Lola finally huffed. “Whatever. Now, dear, are you really to go dress shopping?”
She gave Mel an evil grin.
Oh, no.

*23 stores later*

“NOT ANOTHER ONE!” Mel cried.
“THIS IS THE LAST ONE!” Aunt Lola shouted back.
“You said that 12 stores ago.” Mel mumbled under her breath.
She was so frustrated she was about to cry.
Remind her to never get married again.
Oh, yeah, like she’d ever do that.
Pass up Shane?
Aunt Lola was dragging her into another little dress boutique called “Dreams in a Dress”. (Totally fake, btw.)
This better be it…Mel looked up toward Heaven making it a kind of prayer.
When she went in, she instantly knew that the air was different in this shop.
It was like all your dreams could come true for you in here.
So when she looked the dress on display in the very back, her dreams did come true.

*Back at the castle*

Mel was actually giggling, she was so excited.
“You ok?” Shane asked, his voice laced with worry.
“Yeah. I’m perfect, and so are you…” She replied cheekily.
He smirked, and leaned down, kissing her.
“You are so beautiful, you know that?” Shane asked pulling away from the kiss.
“Suck up.” Mel replied.
Shane’s laughter was music to her ears.
♠ ♠ ♠
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I am sorry to say this, but the next chapter will be the last.
I am sorry, but we have had good times together, haven't we.
I LOVE YOU ALL and I encourage you to read some of my other stories although they could never replace this one.