Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Three

A black corvette can be seen speeding down the curves and twists of the road.
Shane was a fast driver, the road blurring faster than she was able to see.
“Shane, I don’t ask you for much but will you PLEASE slow down?” A hint of panic is evident in her voice.
He huffed. “Fine.”
The speedometer went from 80 to 55.
The breath Mel didn’t realize she had been holding was finally released.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see soon.”
She sighed.
She took her Ipod out of her messenger bag.
She had just about put the headphones in when the device was grabbed from her.
She glanced up at Shane curiously.
“Thought I’d put it on my stereo. See what you listen to.”
He turned the radio station and hooked up the Ipod.
He handed it back to Melinda.
She scrolled through her play list, finding one that fit her mood.
Which was sad.
Newsong’s The Christmas Shoes (A/N: Yes I know it’s a Christmas song. It is sad but sweet and if you haven’t heard it click on another tab and go to Youtube. Thanks!) hummed out of the stereo speakers.
Shane glanced at Melinda as she hummed along, shaking his head.
The next on the play list , which is ironically named My Sad Songs, is Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood.

“Old man, hospital bed,
The room is filled with people he loves.
And he whispers don't cry for me,
I'll see you all someday.
He looks up and says, ‘I can see God's face.’”

The song was interrupted by Shane.
“Why do you like this song?”
Melinda took a deep breath to fight away the tears that threatened to spill.
“When I was fifteen I spent the entire summer with my grandfather while my grandmother was in the hospital. Before we got out of school for the summer, we had the Shower of Stars (talent show. That’s what my school calls it anyway.) Quite a few people sang that song and when I was staying with my grandfather it made me think of him.” (A/N: This is true. I am fifteen, it is this summer, and that song really does remind me of my grandfather. Please don’t diss.)
It was strange.
One minute Shane was looking at her like he normally does, a piece of meat, but when she told him her story his eyes softened, his expression became thoughtful.
Is he dying?
Melinda thought frantically.
“I’m sorry, Mel.”
He called her Mel.
Is he being…nice?
“Thank you? Why the sudden…change of heart?”
“Can I not care about you? Can I not want to sooth you? Comfort you? LOVE you?”
Holy shit.
Shane Morgan just said he loves me.
The one who made my life a living hell for the past few years.
The one who made her hate school.
The one person who ever made her feel worthless.
But for some strange reason, a part of me was pleased.
♠ ♠ ♠
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