Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Thirty

*Mel’s POV*

If you would have told her a year ago that she would be marrying Shane she would have laughed in your face.
Now, as she was about to do that very thing, tears threatened to fall.
Married…to Shane. I am so happy! Mel thought, even as tears ran down her cheeks.
Aunt Lola sighed. “Dear, you are one lucky girl! If we had already done your makeup WE WOULD SHOOT YOU for crying!”
Mel giggled, and her tears made her hiccup.
“I’m sorry, Aunt Lola. It’s just the happiest day of my life!”
“You sure could’ve fooled me.” Aunt Lola mumbled under her breath, sending Mel into another giggle fit.
“Now, see. You’ve dried those pretty eyes of yours. Now let’s get you pretty-fied and married off to that handsome man in there!”
*Shane’s POV*

He was nervous as hell.
What if she ditches me… He thought, frantic.
Then, he heard her musical laughter from somewhere in the chapel. Her laughter was reassuring.
He had been standing there for a while, when the doors opened.
He puffed out his chest, grasping his bravado like a life-line.
There goes my bravado…He thought as he saw it was only Aunt Lola coming through the door.
She had a worried expression on her face.
Oh, God…
“What is it?” Shane asked, slightly panicked.
“Ummm…” Aunt Lola began, looking awkward.
“WELL…?!” Shane snapped.
Aunt Lola sighed. “Ummm, we have a little problem with Mel.”
“What kind of problem?”
Before she could speak, Mel came though the doors.
Her hair was in mess about her, pins sticking out here and there.
Her eyes were bright, not with happiness, but with what looked like a burning inferno.
A cruel looking smile was placed on her beautiful lips.
“Shane…” her voice was husky.
Even though I knew something was wrong with her, that turned me on.
“Yeah, Mel?”
“Bite me.” She replied, and sank her teeth into my neck.
What the hell?!
♠ ♠ ♠
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