Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Four

“Love?” Her voice was shaking slightly.
Nobody could love her.
Nobody had ever loved her..
The one person who ever said that they love her was her big brother.
Right before he killed himself.
It wasn’t possible for her to know love.
“Yes love. I have for a while now.”
His smooth voice sounded so inviting, trustworthy.
It almost drew her into it’s allure.
“No you don’t.”
The car jerked violently to the right, the tires screeching.
It took her a minute to recover from her whiplash but when she did, it was to find Shane staring at her.
“I do. What do I have to do to prove it?” his voice rose with anger.
“Nothing. You don’t love me. Don’t say you do when you don’t. It just makes you even more of a bastard.”
She jerked the door handle, throwing the door open.
She grabbed her bag, jumping out and slamming the door behind her.
“Melinda!” Shane’s call was unheeded but not unheard.
She kept walking towards the forest that rimmed the roadside, fuming.
“Bastard! He don’t love me. He never did and never will…”
As she mumbled this over and over, under her breath, tears fell from her eyes.
She had now entered the edge of the forest, blindly stomping through vines and thorns.
Somehow, through her tears, she was able to found an oak tree with a hollow out place in the bottom.
She lowered herself down and nestled herself in the giant tree’s decaying warmth.
“No one will ever love me.” she murmured as more tears fell.
Somehow, she must have cried herself to sleep.
Because when she woke up it was to find a large brown wolf was staring at her.
Ok, wolves are common.
But wolves with red tinted eyes.
Pst, Houston, we have a problem.
She scrambled back further into the decay, making a very stupid human mistake.
Well, she didn’t really have any other choice.
He just stood there watching her.
And watching her.
And watching her.
Finally her patience was shot.
“What?!” Dumb, right?
Yelling at a wolf.
With red eyes.
Yep, this mutt has made her insane.
That settles it.
The wolf cocked the side.
Mel resisted the urge to flip it off.
No wonder she was irritable.
She is cold.
She is hungry.
She is trapped.
She is VERY pissed.
So she tried for the first time since she had got over her fear of the Goliath sized wolf and moved to get out of the hole.
The wolf growled menacingly at her.
“Go play, Yeller.” She mumbled angrily.
Before she made it completely out of her little hidey-hole, the wolf decided to be a smart ass.
He sat in front of the entrance!
“Stupid mutt.” she grumbled.
The wolf growled at her like he understood her.
Nah, she’s insane.
She sat for minutes.
Or hours.
Or days.
For a while.
When she finally came to the conclusion that she was going to die of starvation, the mountain of a wolf moved.
Melinda looked up and quickly wished she hadn’t.
The brown wolf was just a flunky.
Before her stood a wolf that was at least four times her height or more.
Yep, definitely the alpha.
“I am so screwed.”
The large black began to walk forward…
♠ ♠ ♠
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