Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Five

She closed her eyes, counting backwards from ten.
That works, right?
She’s screwed.
Ok, this was probably her worst idea ever, but she decided she would try it.
“Hello, Mister Big Black Wolf. I’m sorry if I am in your territory. Will you please just let me go? We’re all friends here.”
The wolf growled.
Nope, definitely not a friend.
Or frenemy for that matter.
For an answer (that she hadn’t thought up in her mind) the wolf turned and laid down, gazing back at her.
The flunky, the brown wolf, had somehow gotten behind her (or had she moved in front of it?) and nudged her forward until she was directly behind the massive black wolf.
One final nudge made her fall onto the black wolf’s back.
She instinctively wrapped her arms around it’s massive neck-well as much as they would go-and tangled her hands into its fur.
When the wolf decided that she was secure, he stood up and bolted, slicing through the undergrowth.
The force of the wind, because he was moving so fast, made her eyes blur and burn.
She buried her face in the softness of its fur.
If it wasn’t such a crazy thought, she would think that he uses conditioner.
Psycho, right?
For miles they ran, a Goliath-sized wolf and a small little human girl through the woods.
Not a sight you see everyday, but they were moving so fast, the chances of someone seeing them at all was near to impossible.
Finally the wolf stopped, but not in front of a cave that it called home so it could rip her apart like she expected.
Instead before her stood a gigantean castle, resembling the keeps of the Scottish highlands.
It was beautiful.
The gray stones were the perfect backdrop for the smattering of flowers around the castle’s perimeter.
It was a beautiful place, really.
The wolf walked, gallantly, into the large stone structure.
Two guards at the door opened the door and bowed deeply, a sign of respect.
That was odd.
They continued on through a intricately decorated hall, pictures adorning the walls.
Several resembled someone she knew but
she couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
Oh, well.
Others showed large wolves, much like the one I was sitting astride, fighting humans and yet the humans were winning.
She never read about this part of Scottish history. Interesting.
By now they had reached two very heavy-looking double doors.
Two guards, again, held open the doors and bowed, deeply.
Melinda and the wolf moved forward, the wolf’s proud head bowing slightly.
Why? Mel wondered.
She glanced up to find two thrones set upon a dais, what appeared to be two mean sitting in each.
Where was she?
When the wolf had brought them close enough, it caught the neck of her shirt between its teeth and tugged, indicating that she was to get off of him.
She got off, limbs cracking from being in that position for so long.
The wolf walked forward and bowed at the feet of one then the other person sitting on the thrones.
He backed up, still bowed, away from the dais.
Melinda finally gazed up to see who it was sitting upon the thrones.
What she saw made her blood run cold.
On one thrown, a man who looked like a slightly older version of Shane sat as King, and on the other sat Shane, a smug look on his face.
“Hello, Princess.”
Why did she have a feeling that he meant that literally?
♠ ♠ ♠
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