Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Six

What? How? When? Where? WHAT THE HELL?!
“What the hell?!”
She’s kind of at a lose for words…
Shane’s adorable-scratch that-damn smirk appeared on his face. (Btw I have to do that because I don’t know how to put a line through things and get it to work on Mibba so sorry.)
Angry BEYOND words now, she stormed off, her converse squeaking on the perfectly polished marble floor.
It was a beautiful but this would be fun.
She turned and sent a loogy sailing right in the middle of the floor.
She felt accomplished.
That is, until she saw the look on Shane’s father’s face.
It was contorted in rage, fire gleaming down at her from dark brown eyes-so much like Shane’s- and burned a hole through her being.
She turned once again to walk away only to find herself face to…snout with the large black wolf.
Who seemed to like growling at her.
To bad she growls back, huh?
“Oh, go piss on a tree or something.”
She couldn’t believe what that wolf did next.
He came forward and peed.
“Arg! You stupid mutt!”
She yelled in outrage, kicking off her converse.
Laughter drifted to her from behind, Shane’s and no doubt his father’s.
She bent down until she was eye-level with the wolf.
“First off, mutt. I don’t belong to anybody so don’t go marking your territory.
Secondly, if you do that again I will put a collar on you that will inject just enough poison into your veins to make you sick for eternity.
Thirdly, I know that you don’t understand but here’s one thing that you will understand.
Don’t screw with me.”
She turned around to face “their royal highnesses” only to be knocked to the ground.
The wolf had pinned her, baring its teeth at her.
Seconds later the wolf was replaced by a very naked-cute-boy.
“I understand perfectly, princess. But understand this, don’t fuck with me. I can’t harm you because you are Shane‘s, but I can find who you love and hurt them.
Until YOU scream for mercy.”
Melinda’s brain:
Then she got over it.
“I’ll tell you once, and listen good, hurt me all you want, however you want ,but if you lay a single damn hand on ANY people that I love, I will rip your balls off. Do YOU understand me?”
The whole room was silent, in shock or waiting for wolf boy’s response.
“She’s perfect.” he declared.
“I’m what?” Confusion was etched into Melinda’s features.
“You’re perfect for Shane. I couldn’t have chose someone better for him myself. I’m Xander, Shane’s man-at-arms.”
Perfect? For Shane?
Those three words were all that registered with Melinda.
“Are you high?” Xander looked surprised by the question and then bared his teeth at her.
“She’s not being insulting, X, she really thinks you are.” Shane explained, amusement evident in his tone.
“Why?” Xander asked, confusion now written upon HIS features.
“Because Mel here doesn’t like me too well.”
Melinda turned towards him, her features hard.
“I’d like you better if you didn’t lie to me!”
“When have I ever lied to you?” Shane asked, indignant.
“When you told me I was ugly.
When you told me I would never be loved.
When you told me you love me!”
“1 and 2 are lies but I wasn’t lying about loving you! How could I not?” his voice gentled towards the end.
“Because the last person who told me that he loved me killed himself a few hours later. He was the only one I ever loved in return. He was my brother. So don’t tell me you love me.
No one ever has.”
Her voice broke throughout her speech and by the end she had burst into tears.
Oblivious to Shane’s arms around her as she cried, murmuring one final, “I love you.” as she cried for all she had lost.
♠ ♠ ♠
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