Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Seven

Melinda only vaguely remembers falling asleep, but the memory of WHERE she feel asleep seems to have been lost.
So when she woke up, she was very confused, and when she found an arm wrapped around her waist…
“WHAT THE HELL!?” her screech echoed as she jerked herself from the mysterious person’s grasp.
“Wha…?” a very sleepy Shane’s voice murmured huskily.
His torso was bare from the waist up, revealing perfectly tanned flesh.
Is she drooling?
Nope. Not yet anyway.
She reached her hand up beside her mouth to double check.
Nope. Phew. THAT could’ve been bad.
He sat gazing at her like she was a puzzle he couldn’t solve.
“God, you’re gorgeous.” he murmured absently.
“Who? Me?”
“Yeah, you.”
I rolled my eyes, scooting with my back against the wall.
“So, I get trapped by a wolf in a tree, find out he’s a flunky, and get carried here by a wolf who’s apparently a “real boy”
just to find out you are some kind of prince. Care to explain?”
“Well, I am a vampire prince, that wolf is my best friend, and you are my soul mate.”
“Mate.” he supplied, helpfully.
“Like h-e- double hockey stick I am!” I shouted in outrage.
He smirked at me, much to my disgust, and he slowly got up, walking towards me.
“Wha- what are you doing?” I asked, backing up because he had a gleam in his eye.
“Showing you that I’m your mate.”
“You heard me.”
“I don’t think….”
And I was engulfed in Shane’s kiss.
The kiss of my enemy.
Which I may or may not be enjoying…..

*Shane’s POV*

God, she was beautiful.
And so freaking little! She barely came to my chest and I had to bend completely over to kiss her.
It was so worth it though.
I couldn’t believe she was letting me kiss her.
Every move I made she fought me and now she was willing.
My fiery little mate.
MY mate.
♠ ♠ ♠
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