Status: Updating regularly.:-). After work of course.:-)

Karma's a Bitch

Chapter Nine

Oh, Holy Mother of God! Mel thought.
That stuff freaking HURTS!
Apparently, Shane knew it ,too, because he chuckled against her skin.
“You are such a douche!” Mel hissed.
He stopped drinking for just a second then bit her, HARD!!!
“Hey!” She shouted at him.
“Hey, yourself.” he said, cockily, looking her over. Oh, what a jerk!
“Hey, keep your eyes to yourself! Gah! Someone needs to get laid.” She grumbled.
“Yeah, want to help?” Hope glimmered in his eyes.
Oh, no. He can just forget that!
“Nope.” She replied, this time she was the cocky one.
And you know what he did?
He POUTED! POUTED! Like a little girl!
Although it did look cute on him, it was absolutely freaking HILARIOUS!!!
“Ah! Ahahahahaha!” Mel fell on the floor, holding her sides as she laughed.
And he pouted even more!
She was laughing so hard that tears were coming out of her eyes, and her sides hurt terribly, but she just couldn’t seem to stop.
If she had to die, she would die a very happy person right now.
“Oh my God, I think I’m dying!” she exclaimed when she was finally able to talk.
Shane got this really panicked look on his face then scooped her up in his arms, and teleported them into a room Mel has never seen before.
Wow, he can teleport.
Note to self: Be careful when showering.
A hospital bed sat in the middle of the room, and a sink and medical supplies were organized on a counter.
Why did he bring me…? Mel thought.
He thinks I’m dying. Mel thought, then an evil plan popped into her head.
Hehe, this is going to be fun!
“DOCTOR HENSON!!!!” Shane bellowed.
Gah, he’s got a set of lungs on him, don’t he?
Quickly, a middle-aged man flashed into the room, annoyance written across his features until he saw Shane.
“What can I do for you, your highness?” He said politely, bowing.
“Something’s wrong with Melinda. She says she’s dying!” The pain was evident in his voice.
Mel felt kind of bad until she thought back to the bite.
Oh, another evil idea!
“Is something hurting, my dear?” The doctor asked kindly.
“My heart. I think it’s in A-Fib (for those of you who don’t know what A-Fib is, it is when you heartbeat is out of rhythm.).”
“Can you think of anything that may have caused it? Or have you done this before?”
“As far as I know my heartbeat has been regular. I’m not for sure about the other. The only thing is…”
“What is it my dear?”
“Well, the only thing that I can think of is when Shane bit me, but that can’t be it, can it?”
Shane paled visibly.
“Well, the best way to check is through a stethoscope, and without a barrier, so you will have to lift your shirt.”
Mel blushed.
“Ummm, could you please leave Shane?”
“Yeah…yeah.” and he left quickly.
The doctor reached for the stethoscope, but Mel quickly stopped him.
“I’m fine Dr. Henson, I am just doing this because when he bit me earlier, he deliberately made it hurt, and this is payback. See, earlier I was laughing at him until I cried and I said, “Oh my god, I think I’m dying!” and he flipped. It just worked out perfectly, is all.”
The doctor gave her a stern, fatherly look, then broke out into a grin.
“You are so perfect for him, it’s not even funny, my dear. Alright, I’ll go along for a little while.”
“Thank you, doctor.”

*Shane’s POV (in first person so you can see what he’s thinking really well)*

Oh my God, I’ve hurt her.
Oh my God, oh my God, oh, God no!
Oh, God!
And I did something I haven’t done since my mother died.
I sat in the hallway and cried.
♠ ♠ ♠
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