Did you ever think this would Happen?

where my friends could see a different side of me.

We finished up our meal. Patrick asked for the bill to be together and ended up paying for it. He told me I could pay next time, if there even was a next time.

As we headed to his car Pat asked if I needed to go anywhere and if I had plans for today.

"I don’t believe I have to go anywhere and no plans. I'm new here. Only people I know are Meagan and Jon, and now you!"

"Ok good because I actually have somewhere to go and I don't want to go alone."

"Well can we go back to Meagan's and get changed?"

"Ahh, no time for that" Pat responded "Plus you look fine. You won't need to change it's nothing fancy."

I shrugged as I looked down at what I was wearing. A purple V-neck top with grey skinny jeans. Not terrible, but not great.

As we were driving Pat pulled into an apartment building parking lot, which I guessed was his.

"Come in with me, I'll only take a minute to change."

As we waited in the elevator to reach Patrick’s floor, which was on the 8th floor, all I could think about how messy his apartment must be. Tazer must have killed him when they lived together.

But as soon as I walked into the apartment I was in awe. It looked like a normal person’s home. It was neat and tidy, not too much stuff but it had a warm feeling. Of course he has his medals and trophies there and hockey stuff on the wall but it was not overdone.

Man would I love to live here. It's like a hockey paradise. Except everything was Chicago and there was some Buffalo stuff. Figures because he is from Buffalo.

"You can just hang out while I go change."

"Oh, ok!"

It hadn't been 5 minutes when Patrick came back out. And he looked stunning. He had a white long sleeve dress shirt with purple strips going down and black dress pants on. He also had his hair gelled back.

"Well you clean up pretty good, if I don't say so myself."

"Thank you. I could have said the same thing to you but you’ve only looked good since I’ve met you."

"Patrick Kane are you complimenting me?"

"Just a little." he said with a crooked smile and a wink.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"I have a charity event that I have to host at 3. Pre season stuff you know?"

"Yes. And I did live in Toronto, though they are not my team, I still did all the stuff."

"You honestly like hockey don't you?"

"You couldn't have figured that out with all my stuff?"

"I always hear about girls liking Crosby or Malkin and they just want to get into their pants."

"Same thing with you sir? How you get 'the most action' and every puck bunny wants to sleep with you?"

"So you don't want to sleep with me or them?"

"Ummm. At this moment... NO!"

"I could hook you up with Sid the crying kid. Toews looks up to him and they are both Canadian."

"Oh Patrick Kane the things you must learn."

"Miss Amanda you are naive."

"Pat what time was the event at?"

"3? Why?"

"It’s 2:15 right now. I think we should start going."

"Shit, hurry up. Why are you taking so long!" he smiled and took my shoulders and moved me toward the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
so i updated pretty fast :)
i think i know where this story is going to go ! so i hope you enjoyed this :)
<3 comment if you want