Did you ever think this would Happen?

Baby i got a plan, Run away as fast as you can.

As me and Patrick Sharp got to where Pat was organizing the boxes of jerseys he looked up and smiled.

"Hey Sharpy, how's it going man?"

"Pretty good. Abby called today saying everything is good at home. How about you?"

"It's pretty good, scared for today. My first own charity event."

"You'll be fine. I even brought a helper for you!" Sharpy patted my back as if he had to point out even more that the helper was me.

Pat laughed "Thanks man I needed her."

"Well she's a keeper so don't mess up" Sharpy said as he started walking away. "Bye Amanda, have fun."

After he said that he winked and turned around. I watched him walk to Jon and start laughing.

Oh boy, these guys are like girls. Jealousy and gossip.

"Thanks for coming" Pat finally said.

"It's not like I had a choice."

He laughed, "Ah well I'm just good like that."

"Oh goodness. Please stop before I throw up again."

"That was rough."

"The truth hurts doesn't it?"

"My feelings are hurt" he turned around and started sniffling.

"I'm sorry Patrick Kane! I take it back!"

He turned again so he was facing me and smiled "Good! But honestly we have to get to work. Can you just set these out in sizes and hang them on the rack labelled that size?"

"Sure thing."

"Oh and I got this for you." he pulled put a Kane jersey for me. One that was an adult size. "I thought since all the other girls are wearing them, you might as well."

"Thanks Pat. But now we won't match?"

"I have to put my own jersey on anyway so we still will." He smiled.

Just then we heard the announcer say the event was about to start in 3. All the players with girlfriends or wives went to hug and kiss them and all went to the lobby.

Pat gave me a friendly huge as he to go join his fellow teammates.

Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was.

It was Meagan and she has a face that said disapproval all over it.

"What?" I asked.

"What? WHAT? I had to practically drag you out of the door last night, but today you come here was Patrick Kane? I thought you didn't want anything to do with him?" Meagan was getting so excited that her face was turning so red it almost matched the Toews jersey she was wearing.

"You honestly can be mad at me right now? You tell me to go out have fun and then yell at me for nothing?"

"Patrick Kane is not nothing. He uses girls. Trust me I know, my boyfriend is his roommate. I've been on the phone with him while he is hiding in the bathroom. But you can still hear what Patrick is doing. That's always happening."

"You're getting mad at me? This is unbelievable."

"I'm not getting mad. I just know how fragile you are and I don't want you to get hurt again."

"Trust me I'll be careful. I always have my guard up."

"Ok Manda. But really you should have one for someone like Big Buff or Keith."

"Hold on there cowgirl. I'm not going for anyone, me and Pat are just friends. Good friends but nothing more. Plus Keith has a girlfriend!"

"Yeah I know, but our little secret, I saw him checking you out."

"You are delusional, but that's why I love you!"

And then we hugged.

The boys were coming back and Meg had to go back to her table.
♠ ♠ ♠
omg sorry for taking so long to update. BUT THANKS FOR READING :)
comments are ALWAYS nice :)