Did you ever think this would Happen?

You don't know how lovely you are.

It's been 2 hours and Patrick is still smiling while taking pictures giving the kids their jersey and signing them.

He's actually really good with kids and you can see that they look up to him.

I've been doing the work behind the scenes. Seeing what size the next kid will be and hand it to Pat.

I would look at the table all the other girls are at and you see them laughing and having fun. But, I cannot see myself there. It would be awkward.

The boys on the other hand looked like they too were having lots of fun. They were helping kids out and smiling. But the smile on the kids face made it perfect. They looked like has died and gone to hockey heaven.

Huet had some goalie thing happening and almost every shot was going in. Burish and Sharp were doing face offs. Keith and Seabrook were doing different plays. Toews was doing skills around pylons. The other guys were walking around talking to kids, taking pictures and autographing stuff. It was so adorable. And once Patrick was done with the jerseys everyone was going to break into teams and play hockey.

"So that was the last kid I think." Pat said as he waved bye to a little boy.

"We make a good team don't we?"

"Yes we do actually." he laughed and we high-fived.

As I looked up I saw Keith pointing to me to get Patrick’s attention.

"Pat, I think Duncan wants you."

He turned around to look.

"Yeah, it does seem that way." he surprisingly turned around and hugged me. "I'll see you after"

"Ok, have fun."


So the event was a success. The kids and the players had a blast. I was such a good thing to have for them. I was actually glad I came and got to be a part of it, even though my part was not significant.

When all the kids were gone and everything was fairly clean the players and their significant other started leaving. Soon there was only Versteeg, Sharp, Toews and Kane.

"How about we all go out for dinner?" Sharpy said and nodded towards me and Meagan, "Including the two girls."

Jon and Meagan nodded. Kris said he was in and I said sure. Patrick was last to answer with a why not.

We all decided olive garden was the way to go. And then we split. Jon and Meg went in their car and Kris and Sharp in their own. I went with Patrick.

It was a nice ride. We didn't really talk much but it wasn't awkward. The radio was on and Patrick was quietly singing to the songs coming on. It was quite cute.

Patrick had also changed back into his dress shirt while I still had his jersey on.

"I hope you don't mind but I'm going to take the jersey off while we are in the restaurant. I don't want to get anything on it." I said as I looked over at him and smiled.

"Oh that's fine. But if you did get anything on it I could also get you another."

"I'd rather not waste, but thanks for the offer and for the jersey."

"Ah, it was no big deal. Plus Steeger was pretty jealous you were wearing my jersey and not his."

Well he will just have to get over that won't he? I laughed to myself and said, "Well I could have been wearing his underneath yours. So don't tell anyone."

We both laughed. Just then we pulled into the parking lot at olive garden.

"I think we are the last people here."

"Well that sucks for them right?"

We walked into the restaurant in our matching clothes. And right away a waitress took us to the table where everyone else was sitting. On the back corner so less people would see.

There were 2 seats open, across from each other. I sat between Meagan and Sharpy while Pat sat across between Jon and Kris.

"What took you guys song long" Jon piped in,” having a nice make out session?"

"Fuck off man" Pat said.

"What grade are we in Jon? 7? Grow up." I threw at him.

"Fight fight fight fight fight!" Kris started to chant and lightly pound on the table.

"Oh I see we are in grade 6 ehh Kris?"

"Did you just say ehh? Typical Canadian aren't you?"

"You play hockey? Typical Canadian EHH? And I'm sure you say it sometimes."

"Wow so you're not only feisty when you're drunk, it's all the time."

"Does it bother you?"

"It's pretty hot actually."

"Get over yourself."

"I'd like to get all over you."

"Kris stop" Patrick Kane cut in.

Everyone sat in silence and everything went awkward. I was pretty happy when the waiter came to order our drinks

When he left Sharpy broke the silence.

"So, how was your first Blackhawks event Amanda?"

"I had lots of fun actually!" I replied.

"You know you could have helped us at the table selling pucks!" Meagan informed me.

"I know, but Patrick looked like he needed help. Maybe next time?"

"So you're coming to another?" Kris asked. "Next time hopefully as my date."

"Next time I'll be Meagan’s date, we all know Jonny and Pat have something for each other."

Right after I said that everyone laughed and Jon and Pat turned red.

The waiter came to take our meals. I still had no idea what to get to I told Sharpy to close his eyes and point a spot on the menu. He did and I ordered pasta. Everyone else seemed to get some kind of pasta too.


The dinner was good. There were no other awkward moments so everything turned out good.

When the waiter asked how we would like the bills Kris and Sharpy got their receipts separate, Meagan and Jon got theirs together and Patrick paid for him and I. I gave him a look.

"What?" He asked.

"You paid."

"Well we can't just leave. I'd rather not get arrested again." You could hear the guys snicker behind him.

"I'm supposed to pay this time?"

He chuckled, "You honestly believed me when I said I would let you pay?!"

"Umm, yes."

"Well maybe next time."

"Patrick Kane you are unbelievable!"

He laughed and so did everyone else. And I could have sworn I heard someone mumble the words "that's what she said." immature little boys, that's all that they are.

We said our goodbyes Sharpy and Steeger hugged me. Patrick said he would drive me home so I told Meagan and Jon I'd be home later.

"You know I could have saved your trouble and just gone with Meagan and Jon."

"Yeah, but we are not just going home!"

Oh Patrick Kane what are you getting us into?
♠ ♠ ♠
here's a longer chapter <33
i hope you enjoy it
sorry but school basketball and curlign keep me busy! ill try to update more often!
im sure if i had more support to that would help :)