Did you ever think this would Happen?

My heart won't tell my mind to tell my mouth what it should say

Patrick wouldn't tell me where we were going. But once we pulled into the parking lot I figured it out.

I expected him to bring me to a club or a bar, I was not expecting this.

"Here we are!" he said to me.

"You're bringing me to a bowling alley?"

"Yes! What’s more fun then this?"


"Well then game one."

We went inside and got some rental shoes and picked out our bowling ball. I went with a Vegas gold colour one while Pat went with a black one.

We went for a practice shot and I missed terribly while Pat got a strike.

"I'll take it easy on you!" he said, all I did was chuckle.

We finished 3 games, I beat Pat in 2 of them, I let him win the last. My scores were , 188, 213 and 123. Pat's scores were 110, 129, and 133.

We went to go sit down and he offered to get some drinks from the bar.

"I'll have a sprite."

"A sprite? Really?"

"Pat I'm not 21 yet."

"Come on live a little. Get something alcoholic."

"Okay, get me a beer then."

"No little girly drink?"

"Like I said before, I'm no ordinary girl."

I could see him chuckle as he went towards the bar. It only took a minute or two till Pat came back holding 2 Budweiser beers.

"Not the best choice" I said to him.

"Why what's better?"


"Oh miss Canadian over here."

"Hey, it's legitly the best."

"Whatever you say." he laughed. "So honestly, how did you do so well?"

"Well, this is so lame, but for about 15 years I bowled competitively."

Pat was uncontrollably laughing.

"I wouldn't laugh so hard because I was first in the province a couple times and made Canada's team. I was offered scholarships for it too."

"Wow, that's pretty intense."

"No chirping or telling anyone."

"Like I can keep that a secret. Everyone needs to know about this."

Just then I finished my beer and Pat waved down the guy to bring 2 more. This time I paid for them.

So my two beers ended up turning into about 5 or 6. I lost count, and I'm a lightweight. On the other hand Patrick’s beer turned into coke.

Then he said it was time to go. So we got ready and went to his car. It wasn't a quiet drive home because I was singing to the radio and Patrick was laughing.

We finally reached Meagan and Jon's apartment building. Pat walked me to the door. He said goodnight and right after he said it I pulled him down to my level and kissed him. At first he was caught by surprise but then his lips went into motion with mine. I pushed my tongue through his lips and fought with his. He won the fight and then they were moving in rhythm together.

Finally he pulled away. "Goodnight" he said again.

I giggled, "Goodnight!"

He leaned down and gently kissed my lips before turning around to go to his car.

I couldn't help but to check him out. Come on now. He was adorable, his curly blond hair and baby blue eyes. And his baby face makes him that much cuter. I thank the little bit of liquid courage I had to help me do that.

Once I saw his car leave I walked up the stairs till I got to the floor I needed.

I opened the door since it was unlocked and say Jon and Meg sitting on the couch watching some TV.

I went across the room and sit on the empty chair and saw they were watching the big bang theory, one of my favourite shows.

“So how was your night?” Meagan asked.

“It was fine,” I replied.

“Just fine? Where did you end up going ?”

“We went bowling, I kicked ass.”

Right after I said that I heard Jonathon chuckle and say “typical” under his breath.

“Well that’s good, glad you had fun.”

“Yeah thanks.” I said “I’m going to head off to bed, have a good night guys.”

Both of them said goodnight ass I made my way down the hallway.

What a night.
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks for reading <3

i actually liked this chapter. the title comes form the song
as she's walking away - zac brown band ft allan jackson.

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