Did you ever think this would Happen?

You're distant, I'm faded, My heart is black and blue

"I hoped of the plane on lax with a dream and my cardigan" Pshhh oh god that would never happen.

But when I really got off the plane security took FOR-FUCKING-EVER! I was surprised that when I did get out I saw Meagan and holy shit was that, no it couldn't, it does look like, they have the same name, yeah that was Jonathan Toews!

Meagan came running at my and hugged me.

"AHH, Meg I've missed you! Why did you not tell me that Jon was Jonathan Toews?"

"I missed you too, and we didn't want people to know"

"Not even your best friend?"

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later!"

"OH you better!"

Just then Jonathan came walking up to us, "You must be Amanda, Meg's has said so much about you" he said and shook my hand.

I took his and replied, "Yes I am, and she has also told me much about you, except for the fact that you were actually you" and gave Meagan a death glare.

He laughed. " I'll take those for you." he nodded looking at my bags.


"Holy shit, why do girls always pack so much?"

Meagan and I laughed as we walked in front of him, our arms linked like we used to.


I flopped onto the bed that would be mine for the next 2 months and wow I really did pack too much. But I didn't know what I would need. Then there was a knock on the door, and it slightly opened.

"Hey you!" Meagan's head popped through.

"Well hello there"

"Is this room good enough?"

"Oh god, are you joking with me? It's amazing. Thanks so much again."

"Well remember, my house is your house. Well actually for now, Jon's house is your house" she laughed.

"Well I'm very thankful and I will pay you back as soon as I can!"

"Don't worry about it! It's a gift"

Oh god, 'a gift', I hate when people do that. "It's a repayable gift" I informed her

"Well, to be honest I didn't come in here to talk about your room, more like how has life been, you shut me out quite a bit when Shawn left you and you did the same to your family. I know it's hard but you have to talk about it!" Ummm, she had to bring him up.

Ok, so the deal with Shawn is, we went out for two years of my high school, he was a year older. He stayed in town for one year of university. Then we both applied to the same ones out of town and got to Toronto. Then we went out for another year. On December 24th he asked me to marry him, I was in love, everyone thought we this was how it was going to happen, but no. Four months into the engagement I caught him cheating and we broke it off. That was about 2 months ago now.

But Meagan was right, I hadn't talked to anyone. I stayed to myself. Shawn moved out of the apartment into another with his whore. All I did was go to school, go to work and sleep.

"Oh, that jerk-off. Umm, well. I'm better now. It took a while. Five years wasted on him. But you live and learn right? It's like now I keep a guard up. I don't have fun anymore, I cannot just trust someone now. I trusted a guy for five years. I trusted him with my life. And it was all for nothing. I'm trying to move on, I really am, it's just hard."

"Oh Manda. I'm sorry. I didn't know he did that to you! If I did I would have chopped his balls off. You know that I would too!"

"I'm getting better, I don't want anyone worrying about me. That why I finally gave in to come here, get away from the city and people. I honestly thought he was the one. We were crazy to get engaged so young. I thought it would work out in the end and we would prove people wrong. In the last few months people would look down on me. I hated it. Here I can start a new life."

"I'm here if you ever need to talk. Just know that!"

"Meg's I ALWAYS knew that. I just wasn't able to talk to people. But I'm glad you found Jon. You should've seen the way he was looking at you in the car. As if you were the only girl that ever existed. It was so adorable."

Meagan's cheeks turned all red as she whispered a thank you. "Don't worry! But can I ask you something?"

"Manda, you can ask me anything!"

"Well, what are we doing today?"
♠ ♠ ♠
just wrote another, tell me if you like it or not :)