Did you ever think this would Happen?

She's a rainbow and she loves the peaceful life

Oh god what a night. It's really nice to have a room beside Meagan and Jon. What a joke. Thank god for iPods and skullcandy earphones. So I didn't have the best sleep, but I'm sure they did.

As I walked into the kitchen to get some coffee I saw Jon. He was drinking tea. All I could think was Meg got him out of drinking coffee too, at least he wasn't a vegetarian like her, so there was meat was in the house. He looked up smiled and said goodmorning.

"It's not good until I get coffee onto me, point me to the machine and were the grounds are."

"I'll make it for you"

"You sure, I do know how to make it" I said as I laughed.

"Yes I'm sure, you are the guest."

"Honestly you don't have to treat me like that. If you were in my apartment you would have to make you own."

He laughed. "Well you are only getting it made today then."


As he went to the counter to make it, I went to sit at the counter and grabbed the closest magazine. The hockey news. Not surprised, he is Jonathan Toews. I opened it up and started to read it.

"Meg's magazines are in the living room if you want something else."

"NO, I'd rather read this. You know I'm not into that stuff. Plus I am the person who got your girlfriend to like hockey. So this will be perfect!"

"OH another hockey fan?" he said. "Toronto must be your team. Or maybe the Sens, Habs, or Oilers?"

"Nope, none of those. Did you grow up loving a Canadian team. No, you were a hawks fan."

"Wow, you must be a hawks fan if you know that?"

"Haha, wrong again. I was watching hockey night in Canada and you and Patrick Kane were being interviewed after the game and they showed a picture of you and your family, you and your.."

"Brother were wearing hawks jerseys" he finished my sentence for me. " I remember that interview, we crushed Toronto that night!"

I laughed as he stood there remembering that night.

"Oh coffee is done. What do you take in it?"

"Just cream please"

"Milk good?"


He handed me my coffee and I went back to reading the magazine. Jon started making himself a protein shake.

"So, you never answered my question, who is your team?"

"Pittsburgh penguins." I replied with a big grin. "

That will change by the summer, I promise."

"That will never ever happen my friend!"

He chuckled to himself as he pressed the blender button and I shook my head and went back to reading. He poured his drink and took a seat next to me and grabbed a mens health magazine.

"Jonny, I think Amanda is still sleeping. If we hurry we can have a quick.... Uh." Meg walked into the kitchen "Morning Manda."

"Ok, I can take a hint, after last night I thought you would be fine but I need to go for a jog anyway. I'll be gone in 10 minutes."

"You heard? Shit sorry. But it's not like I haven't heard you before screaming Shawn's name when we shared an apartment."

"Ouch, bringing him up." I held my hand over my heart pretending to be hurt. "Anyway I was just joking, go do what you want to do, I'll be out in 10 minutes" I winked at her.

"You said that minute ago you only have 9 now!" She winked back.

I went to my room, put on black yoga pants and a yoga tank top. I pulled my hair back and slipped on my running shoes. I was ready for my run.

"Four minutes " I yelled as I ran out the door.


I jogged for about 20 minutes then I got into the city. It was really beautiful. Everyone was also friendly unlike most people in Toronto. They are all business there. I've always been a small town girl. Born and raised, then I left for school. My fault I guess! But this town was really neat. To bad I only know two people. One is always out of town but the other is always willing to do something. I walked for another 20 minutes. Ok if I take the longer way back that's about 30 minutes. And hour and ten minutes should be good enough after last night.

As I walk through the door I took off my shoes and got myself a glass of water. Well I should go for a shower too. As I walked to my room I saw Meagan on her laptop.

"Good run?"

"Yes, the town is beautiful. Did you have a good you know what?"

"The sex was good."

"Ok. Well I'm going to go for a shower."

I started walking to my room, I grabbed my housecoat then turned to my bed. Laying there was a white box with a huge red ribbon and a letter.

Dear Amanda,
This is a gift. And it is non-refundable or returnable. I hope you enjoy it. You should wear it tonight when we are going to Patrick Kane's party..

I rolled my eyes when I saw that, obviously it was his.

...for the Blackhawks. You are also invited. Good thing we went for a girls day yesterday right? Well hope you enjoy it.

Love, Meagan.

P.s. If you don't have any black heels I may have also bought you a pair yesterday. They are a little big on me, you are welcome to have them.

Oh god. She goes overboard, why does she always spend her money on me? It's not like I'm homeless. I'm making enough for rent and food and some extras. Also I always put money in my debt for school, which surprisingly is getting pretty small now.

I stormed out of my room in my housecoat. Once i saw her i gave her the deathglare.

"Why are you so angry? Couldn't find the bathroom?"

I opened my hand, the red ribbon scrunched in it.

"Oh, that. Well you needed something nice to wear tonight. You will be meeting some Blackhawks, some are single? It's an easy fix to get over Shawn!"

"I don't want to go. And if I do I will be wearing my jeans my penguins goodie and some converse. and Meg you know that I'm not that kind of girl. One night stands are not my thing."

"I know they are not. I'm just saying, I've got the hottest one, but there are others. Also I wouldn't allow you leaving the house in that. We will talk about this later you stinking up the room, go shower!"

I stuck my tongue out at her and turned to go for my shower.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok, so this one was longer.
please leave a comment to say if you like it or not.