Did you ever think this would Happen?

There's a part of me in the chaos that's quiet, And there's a part of you that wants me to riot

"I can't believe you are making me do this!" I screamed at Meagan and Jon.

There I was standing at the doorway, I had the dress and black heels on . Megan straightened my hair and pulled my bangs back in a braid. I did my own makeup because if Meagan did it , I would look like a clown. I only put coverup and mascara on.

"But you look wonderful." Meagan said. Jon nodded as if to agree with Meg.

"This will be the only time I do this for you guys. Considering I am not a Blackhawks player or a girlfriend or wife."

"Pat will have some girls probably." Jon stated and Meagan shot him a look like why would you say that?

"That makes me feel so better, I can be one of Patrick Kane's puckbunnys." I scoffed

"Be careful what you wish for" Meagan sang.

"What? I didn't wish for anything, and if I did it would more likely me wishing to be able not to go."

"Stop complaining, and if you don't you will want to have your earphones in again tonight. It would be a stress issue." she smiled

I made my most disgusted face.

Jon smiled and said "I'll allow you to complain"

"Um, ok no complaining. I just won't have fun."

"You say that now. But once you get there that mood will change."


So, I've been at this party for exactly 36 minute and so far they have sucked. Yes, I met players and their wives or girlfriends. I've also downed 4 martinis. But now Meg went to talk with some of the other girls and Jon went with his fellow teammates. I think it's nice that even during their time off they still stay in touch and hang out. I expected the party to be in Patricks condo or apartment, whichever one he had, but he actually rented out a bar. It was pretty cool actually.

But honestly I didn't know what to do. Stay here and sit by myself seemed like the best option. The girls didn't seem to like me and if I went to talk to the guys I'm sure they would look down on me more. So honestly this sucked more then it thought. Thank god Meg put down that I was old enough to drink or it would have been a complete waste of a night. They didn't even check my ID either. I was with Jon and Meg when we got in I was the "extra". Great.

Someone was walking towards my table. Who was it, they don't have a tray so it couldn't be the waiter. As the person got closer saw it was Patrick Sharp.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked.

"Well that might be an issue, there may not be enough room." I said sarcastically pointing to the empty table.

"I'll make room" he smiled as he said it, "Having a good night?"

"Honestly? Well so far it's sucked. The girls hate me and I don't know what to say to you guys."

"Don't you watch hockey?"


"Then you can talk to us about something. Right?"

"Yes, but what will they think of me then." I nodded towards some of the girlfriends sitting and laughing.

"Who honestly cares? My girlfriend is visiting her parents this weekend. Don't worry she doesn't really like them either. You two will get along."

"Well I don't hate them all my best friend is actually Meagan, the one going out with Jonathan."

"I see, she actually is a sweetheart. Her, Duncan's girlfriend and Seab's girlfriend get along pretty well and most players like them. Christine does too and so do most of the players. They aren't a bunch of bitches who think their shit don't stink. Anyway come on you can't be sitting here alone. Come with me, the boys will show you how to party." He stuck his hand out at me.

I laughed and accepted his hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here is another chapter. i hope you enjoy it.
i loved the two comments i got. thanks guys :)
and i have no idea who Patrick Sharps girlfriend name is. so if anyone knows tell m, so untill then her name is Christine.

thanks for reading