Did you ever think this would Happen?

Got no feel, I got no rhythm , I just keep losing my beat

"Urgghh" Fuck I have a headache and I feel like shit.

Wow I'm actually in my own bed. And no one is beside me. Well I consider this a pretty good morning after last night. I was half expecting to be in someone else's bed or have someone in my bed. But man did I ever need some Advil and coffee.

I started walking out of my room.

Hey I even had sweats and a tee shirt on. Meg really helped me a lot last night.

I got to the kitchen and started the coffee. I then ran to the bathroom and took two Advil.

Fuck this room smells terrible. I couldn't have been the only one puking my brains out last night. So at least I want the only drunk last night. I bet more Meg then Jon. It would 'put him behind in his training.

I made my way back to the kitchen. I saw and smelt that the coffee was done. Thank god. I found the biggest mug I could and poured my coffee into it, then added the milk. I grabbed the same magazine from yesterday and walked into the living room.

Whoa. Someone was lying on the couch. I couldn't see who it was. He had his head against the back of the couch and was lightly snoring. He must have heard me mutter because he woke up and turned around

It was Patrick Kane. I did not expect him to be here if my life depended on it.

"Sorry" I said because honestly that was all I could say.

"For what?" he looked at me confused.

"Waking you up, I didn't mean to. I didn't think someone would be sleeping here. I'll leave."

" Oh it's no big deal. I'm awake now. And it is 12. Jon and Meg have gone out. I'm supposed to tell you."

"Ok. Do you want a cup of coffee?"

"Please. I take it black."

I went put my cup on the table as well as the magazine but Pat took them from me and placed them there himself. I came back a minute later with his coffee. He was reading the magazine.

“Interesting stuff?" I asked.

"Well not really, it's all about the penguins winning the Stanley cup and the draft picks"

"Are you saying you don't like the Pittsburgh penguins Mr. Kane?"

"No I don't. I love my team the Chicago Blackhawks."

"Well then you have to see this" I said to him. I grabbed my coffee and showed him the way to my room.

"Ah, my old room." he laughed. "Why did you bring me here?"

"Wait, what? This is your old room?"

"Yes, I used to live here with Tazer before Meagan moved it. The bachelor pad!"

"That makes sense. But anyway look." I opened my closet, there was a couple sweaters, some jeans then about seventy five percent of if it was pens material. My jerseys, shirts, hoodies and sweaters, sweat pants, bags and ally random merchandise stood there.

"Wow, you really are in the wrong town sweetie." He laughed. "Here I'll give you your first thing for a soon to be Blackhawks fan." He took off his shirt, it was a Blackhawks one, grabbed one of my hangers and hung it up.

"Well now what are you going to wear? I'll lend you one of my pens jerseys."

"I'll pass on that. I'll just steal one if Jon's shirts he won't even notice."

"Whatever turns your crank.”. Wow he had most gorgeous blue eyes ever and an adorable little grin. Wait, Amanda what are you even thinking. It's Patrick Kane. He doesn't care about any girl.

"Well I'm going for a shower, I feel like I have barfed all over me and it's a disgusting feeling. I'll be back soon. If you find something to eat your welcome to have it and there is more coffee."

"Thanks. And that's because you did barf everywhere. But would you mind if I sleep in your bed my back is killing me from the couch."

"Wait, hold up there. How do you know I barfed everywhere? Did it happen at the bar? Wow classy Amanda. Fuck everyone must have seen me."

"Well you did barf there but not all over yourself there. That bathroom you’re going to, yeah. I tried to clean it up. I didn't do a good job. You might want to tell the cleaning lady about it."

"Oh fuck, did I ruin Jon and Meagan having fun?"

"No, I brought you home. Well I didn't drive. We took the limo. We will talk about this over lunch."

"Patrick Kane nothing had better have happened between us last night."

"Nothing did, don't worry."

I guess I can believe him for now. But why did he help me it was his party? I thought Meagan would have brought me home or I would have ended up at Kris' house.

"If you’re lying to me, you can forget about your locker room tally list, I'll chop your balls off."

"Whoa, you’re an angry one. Nothing happened." He said then he flopped on the bed, still with not shirt on.

He wasn't ripped, but he was toned. He actually had a nice body. No 6 pack but he was firm. Oh Amanda why are you thinking of shit good about him. Get over it.

After that thought left my head I went for my shower.
♠ ♠ ♠

I hope you liked it. Comments appriciated :)
did anyone expect Pat to be there?

thanks <3