Did you ever think this would Happen?

Ya need to never ever gotta go to yo wallet, Long as I got rubber band banks in my pocket

"So what are you getting?" Pat asked me.

"I'm actually starving. So I was thinking either the cheese omelette or the pancakes with hash browns."

"Honestly? You’re not going to get something like a fruit cup and just sit there and drink water?"

"Why the fuck would I do that?"

"Because you are eating in front of a guy? I don't think I've seen many girls actually eat."

"Well as you will learn Mr. Kane, I am not like other girls."

"Trust me I heard this last night, 'consider me one of the guys, I'm not like the girls over there'. "

"I was a mess last night wasn't I?"

Pat was about to talk then out waitress came up to take our order. I was unsure of what to get so Pat said we should get both the things I want and split them because he couldn't decide either.

"You were pretty wrecked last night. Which I found funny because at the beginning you were sitting by yourself like a loner and then the next second you come with Sharpie and you are tanked. You started singing."

"I bet everyone was so impressed with my behaviour ehh?"

"I personally don't think many of the girls like you. The guys on the other hand thought you were I riot."

"At least I won't be totally hated if I ever go to a game."

He laughed "After you finished throwing up in the bathroom, you kept asking to dance. You were pretty pissed at me when I told you that you that dancing wasn't happening."

"It wasn't Meagan that helped me in the bathroom? And I wanted to dance? I'm the worst dancer of life."

"I guess Sharpie saw you and told her but I helped you first. Had to hold your hair back, but it was nothing compared to the damage you made in your own bathroom."

"Patrick Kane why did you help me at your own party? You are labelled as the party boy and everything."

"I wasn't in the mood. I had a couple drinks, barley got a buzz. Plus I was worse then you the time before so I tried to make up for it this time. And I had to save you from Steeger. Would have been the worst mistake of your life."

"Well that doesn't sound like what everyone makes you out to be on TV and in magazines."

"I've had my moments. But I'm not always a drunken asshole."

"Just most of the time" I said and he glared at me.

The waitress saved me as she handed me the omelette and Patrick the pancakes.

"Here you go Patrick!" she said as if they were buddies and then winked before she walked away.

"Special treatment I see." I said.

He got the pancakes and on top was the number 88 in whip-cream.

"It's just an average day in my life." He laughed.

Man was he adorable. Those perfect white teeth and the blond curls. They got to me.

Amanda, stop right there. Nothing is going to happen between you two. You know this.

"Let me have a bite of the pancakes!"

Patrick cut a pretty decent size off on his fork and I opened my mouth. I bit the pancake off of his fork.

Are you joking Amanda? Did you really just make him feed you? You are not a baby and you are not a married couple. So you are able to feed yourself.

Mid-thought I heard him laugh to himself.

See he even thinks I'm a freak for doing that.

"Here talk some of this omelette" I said as I lifted up my plate for him to cut a portion of it off.

"How much should I cut off?"

"However hungry you are Mr. Kane."

"You and the Mr. Kane’s. I actually like it."

"Don’t flatter yourself."
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks for reading :)
not sure where this story is going. but i hope its going to be good.
please comment so i know people are actually reading <3
anyway thanks!!
p.s. the title was because i was listenign to whatever you like by ti and i though it fit ! :)