Status: I'm working on it write now!

Little Black Sheep

Chapter Six: Ballroom Dancing

Little Black Sheep: Book Two

Chapter Six: Ballroom Dancing

By Liz

I was currently having a pleasant dream of Gilderoy Lockhart holding my hand when a voice interrupted it.

"Shhh… don't wake her up"

"She probably is, with how loud you are!"

"Be quiet, I think I saw her move!"

The quiet voices seized, although I could feel that their presence still remained.

There was a collective intake of breath and something I completely didn't expect.


My body immediately reacted to the shouting by flinching a foot into the air and falling right off the bed and onto the floor. I looked up to see Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny all surrounding me.

"Whoa, jeez guys…" I mumbled; sleep still fogging my brain as I looked out the window to find it pitch black, "What time is?"

"Three in the morning," Fred chirped brightly, amusement in his eyes, no doubt from my fall.

I yawned, "Couldn't you guys wait until the sun was up, at least?"

"Aw, what fun would that be?" Fred mocked whined and I cracked a smile.

"Ok, now that I'm up, what are we going to do?" I asked, choosing to not be grumpy from the 'good morning' I got.

"Well, it is your birthday, Little Emily…so the boys were going to whatever you wanted to," Ginny answered and I could notice her awkward vibe she was giving off from being so close to Harry. I pondered the thought for a moment.

"Hey, wait, why only the boys?" I grinned at Ginny's little slip.

"Well, I, uh, I have some things to do with Mum, sorry Little Emily," She fumbled her words and I eyed her suspiciously.

"Ya, she does have do some things with Mum," Ron added in and I resisted the urge to ask what and instead gave in.

"Ok then… well, then the guys and I can go play Quidditch," I gave a smirk at the guys, "Harry, Ron, and I against the twins?"

They returned the smile, "Oh, you guys are on."

"Have fun!" Ginny called and scampered out of the room as fast as she could.

"Now, guys, I need to get dressed…so...could you…?" I trailed and they got the hint.

"Oh! Ya! We'll just meet you outside!" Ron rushed, turning a little pink.

Once the room was vacated, I got up from my position on the floor and walked over to my trunk. Pulling out jeans and a shirt, I absentmindedly wondered what Ginny was doing that was so important. After slipping my shoes on, I jumped off the bed and started to skip down the stairs. I heard voices come from the kitchen.

"Ginny, don't forget to add this to it. Just like this!" Mrs. Weasley told her daughter and I decided to intervene.

"Good morning, Mrs. Weasley! What are you doing up this early?" I asked brightly and I saw her quickly step in front of something she was leaning over before.

"Oh! Happy Birthday, Little Emily! The boys woke me up, the little gits," she gave a nervous giggle, "By the way, I just saw them run out the back door, what's going on?"

"We're going to play Quidditch," I answered and she at me questionably.

"Really? At three in the morning?" She asked and I nodded.

"They asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday… I would love to beat the twins in Quidditch," I told her, "We'll, I'll just be going. Thank you Mrs. Weasley!"

I slipped through the screen door and looked back just in time to see Mrs. Weasley turn back to whatever her and Ginny were working on. I shook my head and started running over to the broom shed.

Once I got a hold of a broom and flew over to the pitch, where I saw the guys floating in the air, tossing apples back and forth.

"You guys ready, or what!" I shouted, flying higher into the air.

"Oh ya! The real question is, are you ready to get your butt whooped!" George yelled, making a muscle stance.

I laughed, "Bring it on!"

We floated to opposite sides of the field, Harry, Ron, and I glaring at Fred and George. The tension was palpable in the air as the apple was tossed into the air. Harry dived for it, quickly snatching it before one of the twins could get their hands on it.

"Emily!" he called and threw the apple over to me.

I easily caught it and remembered that only a few days ago I couldn't even do that and smiled. I kept my eyes on the goal posts when suddenly a body slammed into mine, making me falter and the apple almost slip from my grip. I looked over to see Fred smiling wickedly at me and I tipped to my left, ramming right into him.

"You really want to play that way!" I asked, trying to sound competitive, but mirth was evident in my voice.

"Yes I do!" He yelled back and I took this opportunity to knock into his broom, making it swerve to the left and I was able to zoom forward.

The wind was tangling my hair and cooling my face from the moisture in the air. The moon was my only light source at this time of day, but it sufficed, making the game have a more edgy feel to it. I was mere yards from the posts, Fred guarding them with his eyes on me when Ron called out.

"Emily! Over here!" He was waving his arms and I flicked the apple over to him, catching Fred off guard.

Ron quickly threw it in through one of the hoops and Harry, Ron, and I exploded into cheers.

"Score!" Harry shouted, his voice echoing through the dark air.

"It's only one goal! Just you guys wait!" George retorted and we began again.

The game must have gone on for hours, the sun slowly rising behind the trees and making it way to us. The score had been going back and forth. It would be Ron, Harry, and I winning and then it would be Fred and George. We were all breathing hard by the time it was 90 to 90, sweat sticky on our foreheads.

"Last point," I breathed to my teammates as we flew back to the middle for the ball.

"We've got to win this," Harry said to and Ron nodded.

"We'll never live it down if we don't," Ron muttered and I grinned.

"Let's win this!" I cried and we faced the twins.

"Are you sure you want to continue, Little Emily? It's only going to embarrass you." George teased.

"I don't know about that. Are you afraid that you're going to beat by 2nd years in Quidditch?" I taunted back.

"Fine, let's begin," He answered and the apple flew into the air again for the umpteenth time.

Before my fingers could touch the surface of the apple, Fred had stolen the apple away from me, laughing. I glared at his retreating from and zoomed over to him, and tried banging into his broom. He easily dodged the assault, laughing harder.

"You can't catch me!" He twittered and flew faster.

I caught the eye of Ron and Harry and we seemed to communicate the same plan, trap Fred. We began to fly his way, getting into a formation. The boys got on either side of Fred, banging into his broom and I suddenly slipped in front of him, causing him to make an abrupt halt. I snatched the apple away from Fred as soon as he was distracted and soared over to the other goal posts.

"Go Emily!" Harry cried and I could hear the cheering from Ron behind me.

I lifted up my arm and snapped the apple into one the hoops, George not having a chance of blocking it.

Ron, Harry, and I huddled into a group and started shouting, "We won! We won!"

The joyous feeling of victory just added a plus to my birthday as we all floated down and began walking back to the house. There was a pleasant warm breeze that rolled across the yard and the sun was finally up, shining brightly.

"This is exactly why you should try out for Quidditch, Emily," George said, "You'll be a great addition to the team."

I began to blush, "It was mainly Ron and Harry."

"Oh, stop being so modest," Fred teased and winked at me, "You're good and you know it."

I sighed, "But I'm not as good-"

I was cut off by Harry, "Emily, just at least try it, please."

I paused in my answered, thinking about it. How could I deny that? I had no reasons to back me up so I gave in, "Fine, I'll try out. But if I don't make it, don't say I didn't tell ya so."

"You won't regret it, Little Emily," Ron said as he opened the door of the house.

"Won't regret what?" Mr. Weasley's voice came from behind a newspaper.

"Emily's trying out for the Quidditch team!" George cried and Mrs. Weasley piped up.

"Oh, how splendid! I'm glad that you finally decided to do it , Little Emily!" She was busy in front of the stove, making up breakfast.

"It wasn't without persuasion," I muttered looking over at the boys, who took their spots at the table.

That's when Ginny came down the stairs, and she spotted Harry, tripping slightly on the rug at the bottom of the last step. I gave her an encouraging grin.

"Hi, Little Emily," She walked over to me, "How was the game?"

My face broke out into a smile, "We beat Fred and George!"

"Really? Awesome!" and then she leaned into my ear, "It seems my training helped after all," and I giggled.

"It sure did, thank you," I whispered back.

"You three beat Fred and George? Oh, well, it seems you two are losing your touch," Mr. Weasley playfully taunted them and turned back to me, "Happy Birthday, Little Emily!"

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley," I said graciously.

"Breakfast is ready!" Mrs. Weasley beckoned us to the table and the aroma of maple syrup, eggs, and bacon wafted through the air.

Her face was beaming and flushed as she set down a heaping plate of golden pancakes, a pitcher full of amber syrup, a bowl full of scrambled eggs, and a side of crisp bacon. My mouth started to water and I looked over at Mrs. Weasley.

"How did you know that this is my favorite thing for breakfast?" I asked.

"I'm a mother, I know things," she said and then turned to Fred, "Chew with your mouth closed!"

I stifled a chuckle and my heart swelled. I never had someone make my favorite breakfast for my birthday.

I stacked my plate with flap jacks, smothered them in maple syrup, and started to eat. It was surreal, almost dreamlike as I looked over at Ron and Harry filling their plates, George knocking over his glass of orange juice with his mother chastising him, Mr. Weasley talking with his only daughter, and Percy studying the paper. Was this what it was like to have a family and friends? Feeling the best that I have ever felt, I finished my breakfast, smiling the whole time.

The rest of the day was just as great. After breakfast, Ginny convince me to go up to her room and do something with her. So I spent the last part of the morning in Ginny's room, playing wizard's poker (the cards actually spoke to you and your card could tell if the other player was bluffing). We had both won a couple of games, talking about Hogwarts.

"So, you're going into Hogwarts this year?" I asked Ginny, switching cards.

"Yes, I'm kind of nervous about… but I'm completely excited to!" She answered, trading in two cards.

"I was the same way. Trust me, it's going to be magical when you see the castle. No pun intended." My card started to scream at me, saying I was crazy to switch him.

"I've never seen it before! Could you tell me what it looks like?" Her voice got excited and I was more than happy to tell her.

"It's on the edge of a cliff and overlooks a lake. It's absolutely huge, like a castle. There had to be a million windows and… you're just going to be floored when you see it, Ginny. It's truly like nowhere else." I struggled to explain.

She looked at me in awe, "You're so lucky that you're in your second year! I wish I could have gone last year!"

This brought back memories of what happened last spring and my voice came out a little harsher than intended, "Trust me, you don't."

"Why not? You, Ron, Harry, and Hermione got to do so many things last year and I had to stay here, stuck at a Muggle school!" She complained, our game completely forgotten.

"If I had a choice Ginny, I would have stayed at the Muggle school than face what Harry and I had to do," my voice was solemn, but she just looked at me incredulously.

"You and Harry kept You-Know-Who from getting the Sorcerer's Stone and won the House Cup for Gryffindor! How could you not have loved that?" She asked me disbelievingly.

"Ginny, he's the reason why my dad is gone! Facing him was the hardest thing I had to do! How could I have enjoyed that?" My voice broke and her face turned apologetic.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Emily, I just-" She started.

"No, it's ok, Ginny. If I was in your place, I'd be wondering the same thing, it's ok." I told her, trying to make my voice a little more upbeat.

"Little Emily…" Ginny trailed off on.

"Hm?" I looked over at her to see she was staring at the cards.

"You won," mirth was leaking in her voice and a grin cracked onto my face.

I don't know why, but Ginny and I started to laugh loudly, clutching our stomachs. Maybe it was because after such a serious conversation, something as silly as that happened. Or maybe it was just because we needed some joyfulness. After we stopped, the subject was never brought up again and we resumed our games until the boys came in.

Ron claimed that their mum needed her again and I swept into Ron's room.

I was lying on Ron's vibrant red bed, flipping through pages of Adventures of Martin Miggs, the Mad Muggle, Harry and Ron in an intense game of Wizard's Chess.

"Knight, 3B," I heard Harry command.

"Checkmate," Ron's satisfied voice reached me and I looked away from the comic to see Harry hanging his head in defeat and Ron triumphant.

"It's ok, Harry, it seems like no one can defeat him." I shook my head smiling.

"Oh, that helps," Harry said sarcastically.

"I'm the genius! Oh ya!" Ron started gloating.

"You know what, Ron? We'll find someone who can beat you one day!" Harry said enthusiastically.

"Ya, there has to be someone!" I added.

"Oh, you guys can try your best, but no one can beat the Amazing Ron Weasley!" Ron cried, putting in an evil laugh.

"Boys, Ginny, Emily! Dinner's ready!" Mrs. Weasley's call vibrated throughout the house.

"Guess we'll have to wait to find someone after dinner," I shrugged and I saw the guys grin at each other, "What?"

"Oh, nothing. We should get going." Ron said and got up, going for the door.

I eyed them wearily, but followed them down the stairs anyways.

Ginny was already there, "Emily! Sit over here!" she cried.

"But I usually sit over-" I started to say when Mr. Weasley came in.

"Go on, Little Emily. You can sit there for tonight," and he winked.

Feeling self conscious, I took the seat next to Ginny. It was usually Mr. Weasley's seat, the head of the table, and I realized how big the table actually looked from this angle.

I leaned over to Ginny's ear, "What's going on?"

She just grinned, "You'll see."

That's when floating plates of food came streaming out form another room, Mrs. Weasley following them. I gaped at what was on those plates. There was a roast beef covered in gravy and mushrooms, a bowl filled with creamy mash potatoes, and a pot steaming with buttered green beans. This had to cost a fortune!

"What is this all for?" I asked Mrs. Weasley.

"It's your birthday dinner, honey!" She said as if it was obvious, getting plates from the cabinets.

"Oh, you didn't have to do this for me! Breakfast was great!" I told her, feeling incredibly heartfelt.

"Little Emily, we wanted to. It's your birthday!" Mr. Weasley's eyes were shining and I was touched.

"Thank you so much, guys! I never had this happen on my birthday," I said sincerely.

"You're welcome! Now can we eat?" Fred butted in, causing all of us to laugh.

After the plates were licked clean, Mrs. Weasley got up again.

"Now, for the cake and presents," She announced, scampering into the living room.

"Does your family do this for every birthday?" I asked Ginny and she nodded.

"Birthday's are important," She answered and the lights were dimmed.

Mrs. Weasley came in with a white frosted two layer cake and everyone started to sing.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Emily! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone shouted and I was blushing furiously.

The cake was set in front of me, lilacs carefully frosted onto the surface with my name and with flaming candles that popped like fireworks. I realized this must have been what Mrs. Weasley and Ginny were working on this morning.

"Make a wish!" Fred shouted and everyone, even Percy were eagerly were waiting for me to blow out the candles.

I looked around the table, from Ginny and her doe brown eyes. How I wished she would have the best year at Hogwarts ever. And then there was Ron, vibrant red hair glowing in the candle light, who I wished would get along with Hermione better. Of course, I also wanted the twins to have their best Quidditch season ever. Percy, I wished that he would spend more time with the family. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were beaming at me and I wished they would have money that would match their kindness. The last person was Harry, his black hair sticking up and his emerald eyes sparkling like jewels. I wished that he could have met his parents.

Taking a deep breath, I blew out the sparking candles, one wish in my mind.

I wish that everyone around this table would get what they want.

I knew that some of my wishes seemed impossible, but it was good to hope and give it a try. I looked around, grinning as everyone clapped. Slices were handed out and presents suddenly popped next to me. I was surprised at the amount. I first lifted up a small package with an envelope tied to it.

"It's from Hermione!" I cried and ripped it open.

Dear Emily,

Sorry that I couldn't be with Harry, the Weasley's, and you on your birthday, but I got you a present. I hope you like it! See you at Hogwarts!



I slid my nail underneath the colorful wrapping and revealed a book. I scanned the title.

"The Greatest Magical Potions Book For Advanced Witches," I read aloud, grinning.

"Of course Hermione would get you a book," Ron scoffed and his mother shushed him.

"You should open your mother's next," Mrs. Weasley suggested, pointing to another package with a folded piece of paper tapped on to the top of it.

I unfolded it and read:


Happy Birthday, honey! I know this summer things have been rough, but I just wanted to let you know I love you! I hope I got what you wanted! I'll see you at the train station before you go to Hogwarts!

With all my love,


Tears pricked my eyes. My mom had remembered. Even though she couldn't be here, it was still great that she sent me something.

I ripped off the wrapping and found inside a small silver cauldron.

"Whoa! Even Snape is going to envy you!" George whistled.

I was looking at it one day my mom and I were out shopping. I didn't think that she noticed. I set it down, silently thanking her in my head.

"Open mine!" Ginny thrust a bag into my hand and looked at me excitedly.

Shoving my hand into the tissue paper, my hand touched something fluffy and I grab it out, revealing a pair of purple bunny slippers with their ears wiggling and their noses twitching.

"I know they're a little worn, but I just saw them at a shop in Diagon alley and I thought of you so-" She rambled on.

I laughed, "Ginny! They're perfect! I love them! Thank you!" I threw my arms around her.

"You're welcome," She said quietly into my ear.

"Our turn!" Fred shouted, throwing a present to me, "It's from George and me!"

Staring at it questionably, I opened the box to find a container of Chocolate Frogs and bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

"Thanks guys! You didn't do anything to them, right?" I asked, holding the two items cautiously.

They just smirked, "Maybe."

I shook my head and reached down, grabbing another present. It was wrapped in newspaper and slightly flimsy.

"Who's this from?" I asked, looking at everyone.

"That one's mine," Ron spoke up, slightly blushing.

I pulled the newspaper away and squeaked. It was one of my favorite Adventures of Martin Miggs, the Mad Muggle comics and I was just telling Ron how it was one of the only issues I was missing from my collection at home.

"Ron! I can't believe you remembered! You didn't have to give me this! Now you're missing one from your set!" I said incredulously.

"Psh, what is one going to make a difference? Go ahead, keep it." He smiled and I thanked him.

"Hm… Two more left, which one should I pick?" I asked and someone cleared their throat.

"How about you open mine next?" He lifted up a small box and gave it to me.

I started wondering what could be in such a small box and I began to open it.

"I asked Mrs. Weasley for help and she suggested that I get you that," Harry explained and I finally saw it.

It was a small golden key with a green gem embedded in the handle. It was absolutely gorgeous and I noticed there was a loop on the top as if it was supposed to go onto a chain.

"I said that it would match your necklace perfectly," Mrs. Weasley said getting up and reaching for the clasp of my necklace.

She unhooked it and slid the charm on. It glittered in the light and looked over at Harry.

"Thank you, Harry. It's perfect," I told him sincerely, and looked down to find a rather large, oddly shaped package left.

I lifted it and Mr. Weasley spoke, "That one's from Molly and me. Go ahead, open it."

I tore the brown wrapping away and as soon as I saw the wood underneath, I screamed.

"OH MY GOSH! IT'S A BROOM!" I ripped the last of the wrapping away and jumped over to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, hugging them both, "This is the best birthday present ever! But you didn't need to get this for me!"

"Yes, we did, if you're going to be trying out for Quidditch this year," Mr. Weasley winked at George.

"No wonder you guys have been trying to convince me…" I said, casting a look at George, who laughed.

"Look at the handle," Fred told me and I squinted at the lettering.

Nimbus Two-Thousand

My jaw dropped, "But-but, this had to cost a fortune! I can't accept this!" I cried.

"Don't worry, Emily, its fine. We told your mother about it too, and she was thrilled to help," Mrs. Weasley explained and tears welled up in my eyes.

"Thank you everyone, this has to be the best Birthday ever!" I shouted.

"You're welcome, Little Emily. Now you seven should be getting to bed," Mrs. Weasley said, cleaning up the plates.

"Aw, but Mum…" Fred and George groaned.

"No, it's getting late you woke up Little Emily at three o'clock this morning. Bed time," she countered and it was final.

I thanked Mr. and Mrs. Weasley again and followed the boys and Ginny up the stairs. The boys said "Happy Birthday" to me one last time and left to their rooms. I shut the door, facing Ginny.

"Wow, what a day! How long have you guys been planning that?" I asked walking over to my trunk to retrieve my pajamas.

"Quite a long time… ever since we heard your birthday was August 28th," Ginny admitted.

"Thank you so much for the slippers," I wiggled my feet the rabbits still twitching and nibbling on the carpet.

"You're welcome, you deserve them," she smiled, getting underneath the sheets.

I slipped on my night clothes, got into bed, and wished Ginny a good night. Once I heard her breathing go even, I tip toed out of the bed, like have been doing for every night since Diagon Alley. I pulled the small coal black diary from underneath the bed, along with my ink and started to write.

Hey, Tom, I'm back.

Hello Emily. I was wondering when you'd be back. How was your birthday?

You remembered?

Of course I did. How could I forget?

Thank you. My day went very well. First, Harry, George, Fred, Ron, and I went to the pitch to play Quidditch and when we came back Mrs. Weasley had made my favorite breakfast! Then I played cards with Ginny, read comics with the guys, had birthday dinner, cake, and they got me presents!

Sounds like an enjoyable day. What presents did they get you?

Oh, I got bunny slippers from Ginny, Chocolate Frogs and Bertie's Botts Every Flavor Beans from Fred and George, a comic book that I really wanted from Ron, a new potions book from Hermione, a silver cauldron from my mom, a key charm from Harry, and a Nimbus Two Thousand from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley!

That's quite a set of presents. I hope you don't have so many that you can't take one more.

One more? From you?


No offense, but how can you give me present?

Just wait and see.

The aged, yellow pages started to flip hurriedly and I was wondering what in the world Tom was doing. It suddenly stopped, the date in the upper right hand corner bleeding through, telling me it was in December. The date soon fell away and motion could be seen behind it, as if it was a miniature television.

Ink bleed up through the pages once more:

Look into it.

Trusting Tom, I bent over, sticking my eye as close as I could to the strange box and immediately felt as if someone pushed me off Ginny's bed. My body was falling, my stomach dropping as swirls of shadows and colors passed by me. Abruptly, I found myself on my feet (not on my face, surprisingly) standing inside a room I knew well.

It was the Great Hall and many people, some of which looked no younger than fourteen and others looking ancient. They were all wearing formal robes, girls in large ball gowns and men in old fashioned robes. Everyone was dancing as couples and I struck it as odd that Tom would bring me here. Where was he anyways?

As if someone had heard my thoughts, a boy, older than me, had separated from the crowd and approached me. His hair was a coal black, like mine, and his eyes were dark, penetrating. He gave me a charming smile, all teeth white and straight.

"Emily, you look nice tonight," he said and I looked down to see what I was wearing.

I almost screamed. My night clothes were gone and now I was in a lilac dress with a flowy, light bottom, and a tighter, embroidered top. On my feet were in delicate heels that I found that I could easily walk in. What was going on?

He seemed to have spotted my confused expression, "Oh! I'm sorry, Emily. I'm Tom Riddle and this is one of my memories at Hogwarts, a dance to be exact. And I thought I should have dressed you appropriately for the occasion."

I looked at him incredulously, "You're Tom? How did I get into your memory? And how did you get here?"

"I rule these memories, therefore I can let whatever in and I can make myself present anywhere, as long as it is a memory." He explained and looked back at the students and teachers who were dancing.

"So, these people are just memories?" I asked, feeling quite strange.

"Yes. All these memories stop though when I'm sixteen," he answered sadly.

"You were sixteen when you died? I'm so sorry." I touched his arm in sympathy.

"It's quite alright. There's no room for sadness on a day like this! Today is meant to be celebrated! May I have this dance?" He held out his arm for me and it seemed impossible for me to say no, even if I wanted to.

"Yes, you may," I answered, giggling slightly and taking his arm.

Classical music played, Mozart I believe and everyone was swirling around in their partner's arms. Tom placed a hand on my waist, place one of my hands on his shoulder, and then griped my other hand. I blushed.

"I'm sorry, I don't really know how to dance," I muttered, looking at the floor.

"Don't apologize, its alright. Just let me lead you," He tipped my head up, smiling again and we fell into the crowd.

At first, I couldn't get the beat of the dance, and failed horribly, apologizing profoundly to Tom. After a while though, I started getting the hang of it and we started flying. Tom dipped me, twirled me, and I started to laugh at how much fun this really was.

"Are you having a good time?" he asked, his voice amused.

"Yes! Thank you so much!" I said to him, still giggling in joy.

"Do you mind if we step outside?" He asked, leading me towards the doors.

"Oh, not at all! Go ahead," I answered, following him.

The memory was so realistic; as the door opened I could feel the bitterness of the winter air wash over my warm face. I looked out at the campus of Hogwarts to find it looked no different form when I went to Hogwarts during the winter. Snow still littered the grounds and the castle still loomed over everyone.

"You know, Hogwarts isn't so different from my time," I commented.

"Really? How so?" He questioned, looking over at me.

"Well… the Great Hall is still the same and the grounds… nothing has changed," I explained and I could slowly feel the chill getting to me.

"Are you cold?" He asked and started to slip off his coat.

"Oh, no, I'm fine," I told him, but he put his dress coat over my shoulders anyways, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Emily. I'm sorry that it's so cold, but I'm afraid that's one thing I can't control. I just wanted to come out here to talk to you," He said.

"Talk to me? What about?" I asked, feeling so sloppy compared to the way he talked.

"Since I have told you so much about me, I was wondering if you could tell me more about yourself. How about you tell me more about Harry? If you don't mind." He said, his voice courteous.

"You already know that Harry and I have both survived Voldemort's attack on us, right? I told about it, didn't I?" I asked, thinking back.

"Yes, you have," he nodded and waited for me to carry on.

"And you already know about Harry and me going to the same school..." I trailed on.

"You most certainly have," he said patiently.

"What about Ginny having a crush on Harry?" I asked and this time he shook his head.

"No, I don't believe you have. Can you elaborate?" He answered.

"Well, ever since last year, Ginny has been developing a crush on Harry. I'm sure it'll pass, it's a celebrity crush you know and everything-" my voice started to grow rushed.

"You don't sound so sure of yourself. Is there a problem?" He looked at me with concern.

"Psh! No, of course not! It doesn't matter if she likes Harry or not! I don't care-" I started to ramble again and he stopped me.

"Oh, I see where the problem lies. Are you too, like Ginny, crushing on this Harry Potter?" He asked.

"That's ridiculous!" I huffed and he gave me a knowing look, "Ok, maybe a little. It's just… I think he kind of likes her back."

"He's not deserving of you if he doesn't notice what a great girl you are," Tom responded and I gaped at him.

"I'm not as good as Ginny," I mumbled, looking away.

"Of course you are! From the things that I've heard, you're better than her. You're brilliant with potions, learned how to play Quidditch in less time than she did, and there is no way she can match your beauty." It was the last thing that Tom said that got to me.

"Are you calling me beautiful?" I asked, feeling flattered.

"I suppose I am. Only a blind man can't see that." He beamed at me.

"Thank you, Tom. You're right, I don't need him." I gave him a hug, surprised on how solid and real he felt.

His arms wrapped around me, "You're welcome, Emily. Now it's time you get some sleep. Sweet dreams," and suddenly I was flown back onto my bed.

I looked down at myself to see I was still in my night clothes, bunny slippers twittering, and the book still in my hands. Smiling, I lightly shut it, slid it back underneath the bed, and went to sleep with dreams of ballrooms.