Status: Done ! :3<3

Noise and Kisses

Averted Eyes

I walked down the cold New jersey street with my head down and my eyes averted. That’s what keeps you alive in this part of town. Home. I’ve called this place home for the last month and a half. See, I was recently emancipated. Then I dropped out of school. I also got a job, one my parents wouldn’t approve of, if they knew where I was, that is. So first off, let me tell you about myself. My name is Rakshana. More preferably known as Raksha, or just R. Yes, my name is roughly translated into demon. My parents didn’t bother with the research. I am quite tall for a thin girl at only seventeen. I have black and red hair and I’m very pale, probably because I’m only out at night. That’s just where the business is. Well, I guess I should probably tell you my ‘job’ before you think I’m a hooker. I’m not; I’m a drug dealer, and a good one at that. Everybody comes to me because no one would suspect me. Me? An innocent girl abandoned by her parents? No. Little do they know that I wasn’t abandoned. My parents were about to send me to boot camp after I got arrested the fifth time, so instead of spending long hot days jumping in tires, I got emancipated and moved here, to New Jersey. My perfect parents with their big mansion would never think of stepping one polished shoe in this dirty ass city. I guess you’re probably wondering why I do this shit if my parents are rich.
Reason 1: My real father died when I was just 14. Rich, my mother’s husband and my step father, hates my guts. He calls me ‘a rebellious little whore’. So, he cuts all funds off from me, and treats me like the whore he thinks I am. I should say treated. Little did the bastard know, I was a virgin before he came along.
Reason 2: My beautiful, darling, innocent sister needs money for her college, where she will study to be a veterinarian. What a load of shit. Everyone knows she’ll end up worse than me with some disease she caught from fucking behind the bleachers.
Now, not everything was bad at my house. There was one reason I stayed for as long as I did. Malaika. She’s my half sister. Her name means angel, the opposite of me, but I love her with all my heart. I cared for her the way my mother should have. Too bad she was snorting coke with the other ‘perfect ladies of Main Street’.
So, that’s how I got here, walking in dirty snow that reeks of piss and averting my eyes from potential rapists.
That’s when I ran into a brick wall. Well, that’s what it felt like anyway.
“Ouch,” I mumbled. I got up and went to keep walking, when a strong hand gripped my arm.
Oh, shit.
“You better be careful, these are dangerous parts. I could’ve been a serial killer.” Said a smooth voice from above me.
I looked up to see a winking beautiful blue eye, totally focused on me.
“Yeah, well thanks for not being a psychopath,” I replied, sarcastically.
What’s wrong with me? Rule 1: Don’t talk to strangers.
“You’re welcome. I’m Bert, by the way.” He smiled warmly at me.
“I’m Rakshana. But you can call me Raksha, or R.” I replied. I couldn’t help myself. I lost myself in his eyes. He was attractive, to say the least. And trust me, I was attracted.
“Raksha. That’s beautiful.”
I scoffed, “It means demon.”
He smiled, “I know what it means.”
I looked up at him, confused.
“Will you come see my band play tomorrow night?” He asked.
“Sure, where is it?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll call you.” He replied, handing me a napkin and a pen.
“Smooth,” I laughed, and scribbled my number onto the fabric and handed it back to him.
“Goodbye, demon.” He laughed and walked away.
I quickly got a hold of myself and made it to my apartment with no more excitement.
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It just came to me ! Comment . <3
Now, I know Maleika means angel , but I'm not positive Rakshana means demon , but I'm pretty sure .