Status: Done ! :3<3

Noise and Kisses


Share with me, ‘cause I need it right now. Let me see your insides or write me off ‘cause I'd rather starve now if you won't open up. You won't open up; It tears me up.
As Bert finished his last song I jumped up and screamed, “You guys are amazing!” but quickly sat back down, due to the dizziness that washed over me. “Whoa.”
Bert smirked at me, “Why thank you, my little demon.”
I busted out laughing. I couldn’t help myself. I was tingly all over and I was floating on a cloud. This is why crank is better than weed. No sleeping, you don’t miss a thing. No eating, you don’t get fat. Ten times the high, for maximum happiness.
“Dude, is she always this neurotic?” Ray asked Bert like I wasn’t even there.
“Well, when I met her last night, she wasn’t, but she probably wasn’t as high as she is now.” He winked at me, I just laughed more.
The one named Jeph, with tattoos everywhere, was helping Quinn put things back in order.
“Well, atleast she isn’t one of those anti-drug people,” Dan piped up.
“In Jersey?” Gerard asked, laughin.
“That’s what I said!” I yelled, then fell back laughing.
“Well, me and the guys are gunna head back now. We’ve got some stuff to do.” Jeph said to Gerard.
“Aw, alright. See you tomorrow?”
“Definitely.” Jeph replied.
“What about me?” I asked, “Where am I going?”
“Back to our place to hang out, obviously. You can’t escape me that easily, Raksha.” He winked at me.
“Okie dokie!” I said jumping up, but I was too dizzy and soon fell back on the sofa.
Bert laughed and picked me up bridal style and took me out to his truck, waving to the other guys. Jeph, Quinn, and Dan got in another van, packed with all their equipment.
When we were back on the road and heading to our apartment building, I couldn’t help pondering at my situation. Bert didn’t know how dangerous it was to be associated to me. I’ll tell him, when I’m sober.
I was sitting on Bert’s couch with him on my left, Jeph on my right, and Quinn and Dan in front of us.I had three empty bottles of beer in front of me and on half empty. We were passing around the Vodka bottle when Bert took out his baggie. It was filled with Purple Haze.
“You haven’t had anything until you’ve had Haze,” he said to me.
I scoffed, “Ever had Hawaiin Punch, Purple Dragon, Christmas Kush?” he shook his head.
“I didn’t think so. I get the finest there is, then some.”
“Girl, you better share!” Quinn piped up.
“Sure!” I said pulling out my baggies. As I was pulling put my weed baggie, my coke one full out with it.
“SHIT!” Bert yelled. I quickly stuffed it back in my bag.
“What?” I said, “Never seen crank before?”
“No, I’ve never seen THAT much Crank before.”
“Oh, well” I paused, then shot out my words like gunfire, “Well its not all mine, I have to sell it and give the money to my handler every week, but he lets me keep a certain percentage of the stuff and cash.”
Everyone was staring at me in shock, except Bert. He had fire in his eyes, and it was all directed towards me.
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I know, I know. I use alot of dialouge. But, what do you expect when she's surrounded by people? And I know Bob wasn't with My Chem. in the beginning. Don't shoot me ! <3