Status: Done ! :3<3

Noise and Kisses


“That’s serious shit, Raksha.” Jeph said, looking down at his feet.
“It’s not that bad, really.” I said, keeping my eyes away from Bert’s.
“NOT THAT BAD?!” Bert suddenly screamed. “Sorry, I just mean, R., you’re selling drugs. You could get raped. You could get killed.”
“I can take of myself thank you very much. Now do you want some of my weed or not?”
“Go.” Bert said between clenched teeth.
“Fine,” I replied through equally clenched teeth, and stormed out the door.
I was sitting on my floor with nothing to do, high as a kite. Again. All my money was counted. It was 2 a.m. and I had spent all night on the streets anyway. At this rate, I’d have everything sold before the weekends. That’s when there was a knock on my door. My heart pounded in my chest, hoping to whatever was up there, it wasn’t the cops.
I looked through the peep hole to see the top of a very shaggy head.
I opened the door, “Come on in,” and let Bert into my apartment.
He looked around, apparently not knowing where to sit. Suddenly, I was embarrassed by my living quarters.
“Uh, I don’t have any furniture. Just, uh, sit by the coffee table. I would offer you something to drink, but I don’t have anything.”
“It’s fine,” he said, talking for the first time, he took out a flask and took a long swig. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to judge you.”
“It’s ok, I get that a lot.” I mumbled, looking down at my crossed legs.
“It’s not ok, I don’t even know you. Why do I care? I shouldn’t care…”
For some reason, I desperately wanted him to care, something I’ve never wished anyone to do.
He looked up at me suddenly, lifting my head up by my chin and looking me straight in the eyes, “But I do. I care, and I don’t know why, and I-I’m so scared.”
He let go of my chin but I didn’t drop my head down. His piercing eyes held me in place once again.
“Raksha, I want to know you. I want to know everything about you. The good and the bad. I want to know the things you like, your favorite flavor of ice cream,” we both chuckled, “Why you’re in Jersey, why you do the things you do. I want to know you’re past because I want so badly for you to be in my future.”
I laughed, “You know how creepy that sounds, right?” Now it was Bert’s turn to drop his head and it was my turn to lift his head up. “But I’m not creeped out, because I want all those things too.”
And then we kissed. He didn’t kiss me, and I didn’t kiss him, because in that moment we were one.
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Okay , so I'm enjoying writing this story , and I see there are ten readers and one subscriber , but no comments . Please give me some feedback . It would really mean the world to me .