Status: Done ! :3<3

Noise and Kisses

Did we ... ?

I woke up in my bed, which was strange in itself. But I also woke up with an arm around me.
“Oh, Good. You’re awake.” Bert’s raspy voice came from behind me.
“Did we…?” I let my sentence trail off, hoping he knew what I meant.
“No, R., we didn’t fuck. Promise. I was good.” I saw him smile as I rolled over to face him.
“Okay, good.” I said, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Want me to take you to breakfast?” Bert asked, softly nibbling on my ear.
“Definitely, but let me take a shower first.”
He sniffed, “You better.”
I looked at him, horrified.
“I was only kidding! Jeesh. You smell like me,” he smiled.
“Oh, and that’s so much better,” I said sarcastically, giving him one last kiss before I got up and walked into my bathroom.
I reached behind my toilet and took out my stash. I went through the steps and did three lines. I packed everything back and quickly stripped.
Once I was in the shower, I just stood there, letting the hot water melt my uncertainties away. About Bert. About my life style. About the future.
I’d never had a real boyfriend before. I mean, I wasn’t a virgin. I lost my virginity a couple months ago to someone whose name I still cannot remember. But, those weren’t relationships. Those weren’t love. I wasn’t sure if I loved Bert, but I was attracted to him and I thought he was genuinely a good guy. Also, I great kisser. I chuckled to myself. I was lucky I remembered last night at all, but I know that it will be forever etched in my mind.
When I got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around myself, I realized I hadn’t brought any clothes with me.
I wrapped the towel more securely around my chest, and walked into my bedroom. Bert was still lying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.
“Err, could you like, sit in my living room while I get dressed?”
“Sure, babe” he winked at me, “Nice legs.” He smirked than walked out.
I quickly dressed and welcomed him back into my room while I did my make up in the bathroom, closing the door so I could do a couple more lines for good measure.
He linked arms with me as we walked out, taking me to god knows where.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's kind of a boring chapter, but there's always a calm before the storm . I promise this story will get majorly juicy . It won't just be sex . Or lovey poo crap .
Murder .
Deceit .
Cheating .
Broken promises .
(O; It's Degrassi !
Just kidding . (:
But those things will be in here . ^^
Promise . <3
Comments and subscribers are greatly appreciated , nobody loves a silent reader . (:
Constructive critism?
Or you can make fun of me . o_o
Or tell me how much you love me , that's good too .(;