
All That's Known

All that's known
In History, in Science
At school, at home, by blind men

Finn Hudson wasn’t stupid. It may have come off as that, because he often didn’t respond as quickly as he should. Most people read that as stupidity. Finn wasn’t dumb, he was just distracted. His mind was elsewhere, contemplating things that were bigger than whatever his history teacher was saying. He was often chastised for not paying attention, or talking about things that weren’t the subject matter. It was just that no one understood what he was thinking about. They were blind to the important things.

You doubt them
And soon they bark and hound you-
Till everything you say is just another bad about you

Finn used to ask questions all the time in class. He would raise his hand and challenge the teacher, asking questions that contrasted whatever they were trying to teach. It got to the point where the teachers saw it as a nuisance instead of something to be encouraged, and he got sent to the principal’s office more than once. Eventually, Finn stopped asking questions. He quickly learned that it was better to stay quiet and ponder things in silence than bring them to the attention of the teachers.

All they say
Is "Trust in What is Written"
Wars are made
And somehow that is wisdom
Thought is suspect
And money is their idol
And nothing is okay unless it's scripted in their Bible

When Finn asked his questions, the teachers would shut him down with a quick reply of “it is written in the books” and that was that. Finn didn’t understand their logic. Nothing they spoke made sense to him. It didn’t add up in his head. Everything had to be their way, or no way at all. It had to be written in their books and scripted in their Bibles and agree with them or else it wasn’t true.

But I know
There's so much more to find-
Just in looking through myself
And not at them

Finn realized soon that it didn’t matter what the teachers spoke. There was so much more he could learn if he kept to himself, studying things his way, instead of their way. He often left his homework untouched, instead lying on his bed and thinking about things that he found interesting; problems he could fix and solutions he could invent. His grades slipped and he became distracted in class, leading people to think that Finn Hudson was stupid. He didn’t listen to them, instead he continued to examine everything in his mind, taking it apart and examining every little piece.

Still, I know
To trust my own true mind
And to say: there's a way through this

His mother and teachers became increasingly angry with him, telling him that he needed to start paying attention in class or else he would fail. But Finn just couldn’t bring himself to trust them and the things they spoke anymore. He kept his thoughts to himself, deciding that coming off as unintelligent was better than believing whatever they wanted him to think.

On I go
To wonder and to learning
Name the stars and know their dark returning
I'm calling
To know the world's true yearning-
The hunger that a child feels for everything they're shown

Finn gave up on the schoolwork given to him, and instead delved into books hidden in the back of the library, devouring them like he devoured food. He felt like he was seven years old again and asking more questions than any one adult could handle. He was reading things that he couldn’t understand at the moment, but he put them in the back of his head to digest later. He would figure everything out on his own.

You watch me-
Just watch me-
I'm calling
and one day all will know

He dealt with the teasing and the insults, put up with all the people who called him stupid and ignorant because he knew that one day he would prove them all wrong. When he left school, he would be able to show off his knowledge in a place where it wouldn’t be considered wrong. Every time one of his teachers would hand him a quiz with a disapproving look, it took everything in his power not to smirk knowingly. One day he would show them that Finn Hudson wasn’t stupid. He would show them that Finn Hudson was brilliant.

You watch me-
Just watch me-
I'm calling, I'm calling.
And one day all will know
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not sure about this one.
I just know that I wanted Finn to be associated with this song.