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Saidie's Songbook


Dear Songbook,

Well, it’s my birthday! And my best friend Katrina got me you for my birthday. I thought it was soo cool how you are a mix between a diary and plain sheet music! Now I can write down my songs and write about my life all in a safe place! Before I simply had a teeny diary and I had to print out blank sheet music for my songs. So thank you Katrina!

Well, first of all, I’m going to record some stuff about me. (Just for memorabilia purposes).

Best friend: Katrina

Favorite music: definitely Justin Bieber <3

Favorite color: rainbow :)

Height (at the moment): about 4 foot 11 inches almost 5 foot

Weight (at the moment): I don’t really wanna say… it’s simply weird and no one needs to know not even my future self

Hobbies: writing, writing music, singing, and hanging out with friends!

That’s pretty much all I can think of to put in here. Oh! But there’s one more thing that I’m gonna do on every entry I write; I’m gonna end the entry with the song that either relates to me at the time or a song that I’m addicted to lately! Yes I know it’s unusual but you will soon find out that I am not the usual type of girl. :D

So yeah, well I’ll write in you tomorrow Songbook!



P.S. Baby by Justin Bieber (addicted to)

Saidie gently closed the songbook and tucked it away in one of the secret drawers under her bed. It was nearly midnight and her birthday was now over. She had had one of the best ones this year with her parents and friends. Getting the songbook was the highlight of it all.

But little did she know, tomorrow was when she was actually going to get the biggest and best birthday gift of all.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah this is the beginning of a story I'm hopefully gonna do good with.
I'm going on vacation in the morning though, will be gone for a week and then 3 days after I come back school starts to I do not know when I'll be able to post in anything.
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