I'll Smile And You'll Wave


“Hey Raynallll.” I smile my half smile.
“Hey Rattles.” She gleams back at me.
“What subject do we have niggzzz!” I say as though I’m trying to be gangster.
“Sweet.” I say normally and laugh as we walk into “C” block.
I have music blasting from my IPod, and have everything blocked out, except for trying to aim my spit on Ellen’s chair.
Ray and I are laughing eccentrically.
I love that word my mom always says I’m an eccentric.
School is so enjoyable with my friends there, but the issue is I’m not learning, and I would really like too, but this pit I’ve got myself into just won’t let me. I try and then I just don’t see the point.
I used to be in Science 1, now Science 5, I was in Maths 3 now Maths 5.
Its like, get your act together. But I just can’t do it. There’s just something missing, and I like to think that its him because then I know all the answers. But if it was him, I would still have him.
But this is all beyond the point, the point is. I need to learn.
I will learn, I can do it just you watch I’ll be back on the right track again in no time.
I promise.

“Sir NO ONE UNDERSTANDS YOU!!” I scream out like a clown. I know he can’t hear me and even I he can he won’t respond, dumb teachers thinking that ignoring us makes us stop, what idiots.
I laugh to myself.
I swiftly turn and face Ray. “Baby, I’d never hurt you...LOL just kidding I’m Chris!” I saw mocking her ex.
We both end up in a fit of laughter. Something hits me on the head.
I automatically look Ellen’s way, I know it was her throwing her gum wrapper at me; she does it like clockwork every 20 minutes.
“Ellen.” I say and then continue “Lick my moot!”
She cringes at first and then says “Only if you lick mine first, oh and I just leaked!”
When one of us girls say ‘I just leaked’ it means we are making a dirty joke about period leaking, which is quite disturbing but you will soon learn most of the stuff we say is.
“You Grub!” I screech.
“Like you can talk ganga!” She retaliates.
“Gavin Bain.” I fire back, and sure enough I win, I can tell by the look of defeat plastered all over her face.
Gavin Bain – He is Ellen’s Ex. Now we seem to make jokes about ex’s a lot, but mainly only the really asshole ones, or the ones that we are still utterly in love with. Gavin Bain is a very narcissistic arrogant selfish, asshole of a human being. None of us like him and put shit on her for dating him and she is quite ashamed of him too.
I look down at my laptop, shit yeah 15 minutes left then recess.
So much for last week and saying I will learn eh?