Status: Sequel up soon! :)

I Left Her When I Found Her


God, how in the hell did I fall for such an incredible, yet unavailable guy? I mean, Zacky was everything I could ask for, but he was dating Gena...or so I thought. He couldn't seem to get out of her claws. It's not like it looked like he wanted out of them, but still. Seriously though, if you looked at the big picture, it was normal for me to feel something towards him. We sort of had a history before Gena showed up. Stupid Bitch. *

"Kodi!" Matt called out as the front door shut. I jumped, not expecting him here so soon. I crawled off my bed and heavily walked down the stairs.

"Yes'm?" I asked as I turned towards him. Matt smiled and walked towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist, hugging me. I hugged him back awkwardly and chuckled a little.

"Matt, what's going on?" I asked rather confused that my brother was being extra huggy.

"I have amazing news." He said letting me go and heading into my kitchen.

"Okay, thank you. But what the hell are you talking about with amazing news?" I was a little mad that he was dragging it out. Matt was raiding my fridge as usual.

"Hey, don't you have a damn house with a fucking fridge of your own?" I yelled. Matt chuckled and pulled a left over can of beer out before leaning on the counter. He cracked it open and took a large drink before looking at me again.

"Zack left Gena for good." Matt smirked, giving me the 'oh-you-love-it' look.

"So?" I asked, snatching the beer from my brother and taking a swig.

"EHhhh! That's my beer!" He whined. I stuck my tongue out at him and he pouted.

"My house, my beer." I stated placing it on the counter. "Don't like it, leave." I crossed my arms over my chest and gave Matt a 'don't-piss-with-me' look.

"Hey, quit changing the subject." He said seriously. "Zacky and Gena are done for good. Zack caught her with some other their bed." He emphasized the last part.

"WHAT!?" I yelled, he finally caught that bitch. Took his ass long enough.

Matt nodded, "Yeah, he was pretty pissed. He kicked the shit out of the guy. Almost hit Gena too. Told him that bitch was up to no good all the time."

"Yeah," I nodded, "If only the bastard had listened to us in the first place." I muttered. Zacky had this really bad thing of not listening to Matt and I when we were BOTH right. It's really irritating.

"So, now you have a chance, Kiddo." Matt smirked and I groaned.

"UGH!" I hid my face behind my long, blonde hair and leaned my head against the counter.

"Matthew Charles!" I yelled. "Zacky and I are just -"

"Secret fuck buddies who love each other." Brian's voice came out of nowhere.

"Brian! God damn it! How the hell did you get in here." I looked up at my best friend and he shrugged.

"You left the door unlocked, and I heard you yelling at Matt. I figured I would come and save the day." He gave that signature smirk of his and rolled my eyes.

"Save the day? Yeah right. More like give my brother a heart attack." I scoffed. Matt shook his head at us and laughed.

"Sometimes I wonder if you two are related instead of us, Kodster." I shook my head.

"So you're not having a heart attack about them fucking?" Brian asked shocked.

"WHAT!?" Matt hollered. "They are definitely not having sex. I will not allow that."

"Yet, you'd be happy if they dated. It makes no sense." Brian looked at me and started laughing. I couldn't help but laugh with him. He was right, Matt would be happy that Zacky and I quit fighting and dated, but he can't see any of them sleeping with me. Odd.

"Yeah, I'm leaving." Matt got up from his seat at the island and came around to hug me. I wrapped my arms around my rather built brother and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Love you, Kodster. Stay out of trouble." Matt kissed my forehead before letting go and giving Brian a "man hug."

"Love you too, Mattster." Matt chuckled and left. I sighed as Brian walked around my kitchen, taking in all the work Matt and I had done a week ago.

"I love what you guys did in here." He commented, "It suits you."

I nodded, looking around at my kitchen. Matt and I had put a new granite counter top in, laid new hardwood flooring, and I got new stainless steel appliances.

"So, Zacky broke up with Gena, huh?" I asked looking back at my best friend. Brian grinned and nodded his head.

"Done for good. He walked in on her." Brian shook his head. "Dumb cunt, I can't believe her." He chuckled to himself and sat down next to me. "So, you gonna try to date him?" He teased.

"Oh yeah, because I want to date an asshole who's afraid of change and hates me back." I mocked sarcastically. Brian rolled his eyes at me and shook his head.

"Kodi, I know what happened on tour." My heart stopped and a lump formed in my throat. How did he know?

"What are you talking about?" I asked, hoping he didn't notice my behavior. I glanced at Brian, he was giving me that, 'are-you-serious' look.

"Zack doesn't exactly keep everything from me. We're best friends too, not to mention in the same band." Brian scoffed.

I shook my head. "Nothing happened." Lying wasn't going to work but it was worth a shot.

Brian smirked and leaned closer to me. "Yeah right. Nothing happened and I'm the King of Jack Daniels." I shook my head and jumped off the stool.

"Seriously, nothing happened." I laughed, knowing exactly what was going to happen. Brian got off his stool smoothly, he stepped towards me slowly. I started laughing and took off running from him.

"Get back here heathen!" He yelled as I turned up the stair case.

"NEVER!" I yelled before taking the steps two at a time. Brian sprinted after me and caught me at the top of the stairs.

His arms went around my waist tightly and held me against him.

"DAMN YOU HANER!" I yelled as he tightened his grip. I sighed and went limp.

"Ompf." Brian grunted as I started laughing at him. He could hardly keep my 120 lbs body up.

"Damn Haner, you're out of shape. Matt can still pick me up with ease!" I taunted.

"Damn it, Kodi." Brian let me go and I fell to the floor. He sat down on my stomach and tickled my sides.

"Okay, okay, okay! Zacky and I slept together!" Brian threw his hand sin the air in victory as I lay under him panting. "Damn it, we were...well not exactly drunk but you get the point!" I yelled. Brian got off of me and lended me a hand up. I took it and pulled myself up.

"Thanks for telling me!" Brian smacked my arm playfully and rolled his eyes like a chick.

"Okay mister, I won't tell my best friend Michelle and I are back together." I mocked.

"That's different." He said before his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and talked for about ten minutes. I stood there, trying not to think of the amazing night Zacky and I had all those years ago. Okay, so it was only four years ago...but still. He was my first, actually.

"Yeah, okay. I'll drag her with me." My head snapped to Brian and he smirked. I leaned my head back and sighed dramatically. I was more than likely going to the show tonight. Wonderful. Brian shut his phone a few moments later and shook his head at me.

"Get dressed. You have a concert to go to...Kodi Vengeance." I glared at Brian before running to my room and getting ready. I had a feeling they were going to make me do something I'd regret.

Four Hours Later;

I was standing next to the stage, a pair of bright green eyes held my attention most of this god-forsaken concert. It was like his eyes couldn't move from mine and vice versa. He'd manged to play two full songs without breaking eye contact. That was a record, because even Brian couldn't do that.

"Zacky's been glued to you forever girlie." I was pulled from my thoughts as my brother's girlfriend's voice flooded my ears. I shook my head quickly and looked at her.

"Huh?" I asked. "Sorry, I was kind of zoned out." Val giggled and wrapped her arm around my middle.

"Girlie, sometimes I wonder how lost you get in his eyes." I blushed a little and smiled to myself.

"It's not hard, but I wonder how long this will last." I mumbled. Val didn't hear a word I said; she was too bust trying to keep her eyes on Matt. Typical for her, she was so in love with him, it was sickening sometimes.

I looked back out unto the stage and noticed that Brian and Zacky were up front playing a duo. Good. I thought, he's keeping his eyes on them, not me. They played for a good two minutes before Matt sang the last part of the song.

"Hey, Syn!" Matt called into his mic.

"Yeah, Shads?"

"You know what we need on this stage?" Matt smirked and looked back at me.

I Groaned, 'oh dear lord save me now.'

"JIMMY TIME!?" Jimmy burst randomly from his seat at his set and I busted up laughing with the crowd.

Matt shook his head.

"Some more Vengeance?" Zacky suggested with a smirk my way. Val laughed and pushed me forward a little.

"Go." She yelled. I shook my head and stood my ground.

"Ko-di Ven-Geance! Ko-di Ven-Geance!" The crowd started cheering me on and I knew I had to go out.

"Dammit." I muttered before putting a smile on and running out on Stage. "I hate you guys." I muttered into Matt's ear. If he actually heard me is another story.

"Everyone, you all remember Kodi?" Brian asked, smug look on his face. The crowd cheered and some whistled. Some guy even yelled "I'd Tap That." I looked around to see if any of the guys heard him, and only Zacky had a sour look on his face. Odd.

"Well. she's going to sing 'Afterlife.'" Matt concluded.

"WHAT!?" I basically screamed. "Matty, come on." I whispered. Matt shook his head.

"Sorry, sis. You know I can't deny the fans. And neither can you." He whispered. I huffed and took the mic from him.

"Hey Syn!" I called over to Brian. His head snapped up and I looked over to Zacky too. "How about I sing something a little more...slow. And Zacky's gonna sing with me." Brian smirked, heading to get his acoustic. I brought the stool center stage and plopped down on it.

"You guys mind if we slow it down a bit?" I asked the crowd. They screamed and cheered. I smiled and laughed to myself. "Alright, well that's good. Cause yah really don't have a choice." Johnny and Jimmy laughed at my antics and smiled at me. Zacky grabbed a stool and brought it along with his stand and mic.

"Sometimes I wonder how much you hate me." He breathed sitting down. Brian had started playing random notes and actually started the song once he and Zacky got situated. Zacky wasn't playing very much, just because he knew I was making him sing.

He leaned over slightly and leaned close to my ear.

"Just so you know, this ones for you." He kissed my cheek and I felt myself blush.

"A lonely road, crossed another state line. Miles away from those I love, purpose hard to find." Zacky and I's voices mixed in perfect harmony. Our eyes seemed to be locked the entire first verse. I backed off when the chorus came along.

"Dear God, the only thing I ask of you is to hold her when I'm not around. When I'm much too far away. We all need that person who can be true to you, but I left her when I found her and now I wished I stayed." Zacky's eyes stayed glued to me as I bit my bottom lip and smiled. He was singing this for me. Was he implying that when he left me that night, that he regretted it?

Zack and I finished the song like that, and I hardly noticed how all the guys were watching us with awe. They planned this, knowing that I only sing the slow lovier songs. Assholes; but I love them for it. Before I walked off stage, Zack winked at me and mouthed, 'meet me out back.' I smiled and nodded my head. Boy this better not be a horrible out come.

I walked over to Val and gave her a smile.

She giggled her head off and gave me a huge hug. "OH MY GOD GIRLIE!" She screamed. I started laughing at her ways. She was such a friggin teenager.

"He just sang with me, nothing big." I said, blushing when I felt his lips on my cheek faintly.

"He kissed your cheek." I nodded. Man, was I in for it when all the girls found out.


I waited out back for Zacky for about twenty minutes before I saw Gena's fried blonde hair a mile away and closing in. I rolled my eyes as tears were verging. Just what I thought. She was gonna come running back with the sob story that would make even the toughest man cry and Zacky would take her back. Hell, with her acting, she should win a fucking Oscar already.

Gena came over and stood opposite me, "Hey Kodi"

I scoffed. "What Barbie?" I asked, very rudely.

Gena scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't try anything if I were you. Zacky and I are still together."

"Says the bitch who cried wolf." I mumbled. Gena gave me one of her signature, 'I'll-kill-you' looks and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm still the one going home with Zacky." That struck a chord. I glared at her, hurt and extremely pissed.

I was about to open my mouth when the backstage door opened and the guys started piling out. All of them brushed past Gena, knowing she was gone for good now. Zacky stopped when he saw her though. His whole body went rigid and I mentally shot Gena three times.

"Baby," Gena started crying, yes the same damn fake tears she always does. "I'm sorry, I just, I just-"

Zacky cut her off by lifting up his hand and shaking his head. "I'm done. I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, but we're done." He stated calmly. "I want nothing to do with you. If you couldn't tell, I changed the locks and left your shit on the corner. Bye Gena." Gena scoffed and started crying hard.

"I hate you ZACK!" She yelled before running off to her car. I sighed and thanked God Zacky didn't take her back.

Zacky turned towards me and smiled a little. I knew that he was still hurt from the initial break up, and seeing her hurt him sometimes.

"Hey." I said softly returning his smile.

"Hey." He said taking a few steps closer. "Mind if we pick it up where we left off?" He asked, taking a piece of my hair between his fingers and twirling it.

I bit my lip and kept my smile small. "Are you gonna leave me when I wake up?" I asked, in all seriousness.

Zacky shook his head. "I left her when I found her, and now I wished I stayed. Believe me, Kodi. I'm not leaving this time." I smiled and nodded my head. Zacky cupped my face with his hands and leaned forward.

"Is it hard to believe that even though I've been with Gena for so long, I love you?" He asked against my lips.

I shook my head. "I love you, too." Zacky crashed his lips unto mine and for the first time in four years...everything felt right.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kodi House
Kodi Concert
Zacky Concert

Finally! I have it finished!