Status: the last chapter posted... sorry for the year long wait!


Remember that fight 2:30am

"Hey you," Patrick greeted me opening the door. "You look gorgeous," he whispered in my ear as I passed him, going into his apartment.

"Thank you Mr. Kane," I smirked, setting two bottles of champagne on the counter. No I wasn't legally able to buy alcohol but honestly, I've looked over 21 since I was fifteen. Pat knew I wasn't going to drink any alcohol but I offered to pick some up on the way to his place. "You clean up well yourself."

"That mean's a lot coming from you," Patrick said sarcastically as I straightened his tie. "I know you're picky."

"Yeah," I patted his chest, still standing close, "but I admit you look awfully sexy in charcoal sport coats."

"Good thing I have four of them," he smiled and began to bring out boxes of Chex mix, chips and peanuts on the counter to pour into bowls.

Patrick was hosting this years new years eve party and I, being his girlfriend, was designated to cohost it. Everyone else was showing up around eight, we had around an hour to prepare. Soon Kayla arrived, followed close behind by Troy and Carmen Brouwer then Patrick Sharp, who's fiance was out of town, but decided to bring his basset hound as a date.

"He better not drool on my new carpet," my boyfriend commented when he noticed the puddle of slobber already pooling in the doorway.

"Don't worry Kaner, I promise Shooter won't mess up your carpet, we're all proud you got one anyways," Sharpie joked, patting Patrick's back and nudging his dog through the doorway.

I hung up the phone smiling. Pat was home, after a rode trip that lasted a little over a week my boyfriend had just arrived at O'Hare airport and was getting a ride from Brent Seabrook back tohis our apartment. Surrounding me were a few boxes, since I hadn't moved to Chicago that long ago I hadn't accumulated too much stuff. Currently I was on my computer checking email, I was hoping to get an internship with a big company and was told by a professor they would get in contact soon.


In the subject box of a message from Kayla caught my eye. It must just be one of those stupid forwards but I was that stupid so I opened it anyways. All Kayla sent was a link from the Chicago Tribune. I clicked on it, once the page loaded I wish I hadn't.

The article had been published earlier that day. On the top of the page and on the bottom were pictures of my boyfriend, shirtless with some girls. Honestly they didn't look trashy, they looked like they were having the time of their lives, in the back seat of a limo with three of the Blackhawks. I leaned back into the couch and ran my fingers through my hair. Hastily I clicked through the four pictures shown, none of them showing Pat kissing any of the women, but it still hurt. Patrick was holding a beer and had his lazy smirk/grin on his face. Knowing him all too well he looked drunk, but not drunk enough to make completely idiotic decisions like this.

To my right the clock by the reading lamp read 1:15am. If he wasn't home soon I was going to go to bed, alone, and leave a pile of sheets on the couch because there was no way I was letting him sleep in bed with me tonight.

"Summer, babe, I'm home!" I heard a few minutes later, then a crash followed by muffled profanities leaving my boyfriends mouth. "Hey!"

I stayed on the couch, he could come greet me himself I wasn't getting off the cushy couch for a cheater. Soon Patrick walked into the living room and stopped when he got to the couch, lifting his arms for a hug.

"Hi Pat," was all I said, folding my arms over my chest and raising an eye brow. "How was Vancouver?"

"We lost?" he questioned not understanding why I didn't obviously understand it was bad they lost that game.

"They have good beer there, huh?" I hinted. "Clean limo's, women who love the Blackhawks."


"Don't lie to me!" I got up from the couch "I saw the pictures! Did you really think I would never find out? Did you really think you could hide it? You're the superstar hockey player of Chicago did you really think people wouldn't know?"

Patrick turned away from me and yawned.

"Can we talk about this later, I'm tired," he looked at me again and loosened the tie he was wearing around his neck.


"Summer, I don't want to do this right now."

"Well Patrick," I took a step closer to him "I don't want you to cuddle up with other girls but obviously you do that anyways."

"It was a mistake," his hands dropped to his sides. "Honestly Summer, it didn't mean anything."

"How do I know that. I may not have seen you kiss them in the pictures but you looked awfully comfy, you could have gone all the way with them for all I know!"

"I promise I didn't Summer, please believe me! I love you!" Pat tried to wrap his arms around me and pull me close. It took everything in my body not to let myself fold into his touch. "Summer, you trust me, don't you?"

"I thought so, but now I don't know."

I turned and walked towards the door, grabbing my purse on the way out. It took all my will power not to look back at Patrick. I knew the exact face he was making all to well and the slight slouch in his shoulders whenever he was disappointed. He shouldn't be the disappointed one though. I gave him everything I had kept from everyone else, and he still didn't see it as enough, at least not in his sub conscious when he was drunk.

When I left the road was clear so I sped to Adam Burish's house as fast as I could. I knew Kayla would be over there even at 2 am in the morning.

"And I remember that fight, two-thirty AM
You said everything was slipping right out of our hands"
♠ ♠ ♠
Forget this story? Probably so. That's okay cause I did too.

If you are still interested in the remaining few chapters please COMMENT to let me know!
I will try to get them out sooner then later!