Windy City

Hold Your Crown

You lift your Starbucks cup to your lips, the steam that trails from it mixes with the fog of your breath as you drink it. I know that over the lip of the cup that your eyes are on me, questioning my silence as I stare out the frosted window. Those intense green eyes are pulling me apart while I'm counting the cars that disappear into the snowy streets of Chicago. The L rumbles by, bringing a rumbling life to the small cafe that we're sitting in.

I'm aching to tell you to leave, to tell you this was all an accident, but I'll keep my mouth shut the way I know you like."What's wrong babe?" you ask, voice as velvet as always, sliding a hand onto mine. I twitch slightly, and you tighten your grip asking in a sickeningly sweet voice, "You seeing someone else? 'Cause I've never seen you act like this."

Pulling my hand away softly, I smile down at you, avoiding those green eye's I fell for so foolishly, "Thank you for having a drink with me, but I've got to go, I'll miss the L if I don't." I'm lying through my teeth but it feels so good. I'm tired of being your little barbie doll, so I'm up and leaving, moving addresses if I've got to.

You stand, following me out into the bitter cold and wind of this beautiful city. You cuss pulling your hood roughly over your head, ignoring the sights around you, "Hey, babe, wait, I'm sure you can catch another ride, right?" You entwine your rough palm with mine, and I grimace. Your hands are like sandpaper, scrapping my skin enough to make me wish they would bleed.

Though I know you can't tell, I'm struggling to decide, my heart is soft and cracked saying I shouldn't be so mean to you, but I know better. "Sorry, babe, I've got to go." With that I relieve my hand from yours and walk off down the busy city streets, in the opposite direction of the L, a smile on my face. The snowy wind whips through the sky scrappers that tower around us, and I walk with it; decisions are just as monumental in the windy city.