Three Damn Words


The clock on my bed side table was showing 5:30 in the morning and I couldn’t sleep at all. Seriously, jet-lag sucks…

I rolled out of my bed and quietly made my way to the kitchen, passing Ami’s room in the process.

I couldn’t get how she could sleep normally after being in the plane for 15 hours. We’d come home, go to our rooms and Ami would pass out for the next 24 hours. I wished I could do that…

I opened the fridge and took out a water bottle. I opened the cap and took a sip.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, that I didn’t notice when I finished the whole bottle of water. Lazily, I threw the empty bottle into the trash can and then I made my way to the living room. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. My eyes started shining when I saw that Cartoon Network was showing Chowder. Even thought I’m 20, I still love cartoons. They are very cute.

A bit later, I managed to fall asleep. Then the next thing I know, I was being poked awake.

‘Seriously, if you want me to turn you into a frog, then keep on doing that.’ I muttered tiredly, as I heard a gasp.

‘I knew you were a witch!’ Jack exclaimed, as he continued on poking me.

‘Please, Jack… I’m so tired.’ I tried to swat his hand away.

‘Nevah!’ Jack exclaimed, as he grabbed my sides and started tickling me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to keep a straight face.

A few moments later, Jack stopped.

‘What the..? How can you be immune to tickling?’ He asked, pouting.

‘I’m not immune. I just can control myself.’ I chuckled at Jack’s face.

‘Hug!’ Jack suddenly exclaimed, as he attacked me. I felt myself sink further down into the couch and it became hard to breath.

‘I missed you so much, Gee. I even managed to annoy Alex, Zack, Rian and Matt to the point of insanity.’ I tired chuckle escaped from my mouth and I closed my eyes.

‘You missed Ami more.’ I stated, as I felt Jack tense.

‘How do you know?’ He asked quietly, as he slid down to the ground.

I raised my head of the pillow and looked at Jack.

‘I’ve been with her for four years, I’ve seen how men act around her and believe me, I know how they act when they like her. It’s sad actually, because she never notices it.’ I chuckled quietly, as I ran a hand through my hair.

‘How do they act..?’ Jack asked curiously.

A yawn escaped from my lips and I smiled.

‘Kind of like you. They always hang out with us, because we’re always together. They look at her with eyes full of admiration. And they do little things that make her happy, but unfortunately, even if they are good guys, she can only see that idiot Garen…’ I muttered, as I sat up slowly.

Jack nodded his head and gave me a cute smile.

‘Jack, I know it’s selfish of me to ask this, but… Please. Use your boy charms to show her the truth about that idiot.’ Jack started laughing and I smiled. He was such a cute boy. Why couldn’t Ami see that? Why couldn’t she just forget Garen and take the man that was in front of her?

‘I will, but now, please, go wash your teeth and come to the kitchen. Ami’s preparing pancakes.’ Jack grinned like a little kid and I laughed.

‘Yes, mommy.’ Jack stood up and looked at me shocked.

‘Aww! My little girl is growing up!’ He exclaimed, as I stood up and grinned.

‘I’ll come back in a bit.’ I told him, as I went to the bathroom and he went to the kitchen.

I quickly washed my teeth and washed my face. Before I walked out of the bathroom, I looked at the mirror.

My green eyes were tired and dark rings were noticeable under my eyes, also my hair was sticking out kind of strangely.

I sighed quietly, as I threw my untamed shoulder length hair into a ponytail. Then I went to my room and put on my dark blue rimmed glasses. Seriously, jet lag always made my eye sight fail even more…

And then I trudged slowly to the kitchen.

‘Good morning.’ I announced when I walked.

The first thing I noticed, was Jack and Alex sitting behind the counter and scarfing down pancakes. Then I saw Ami standing behind the stove with a smile on her face.

‘Hey, Gee…’ I looked at Alex’s warm eyes and felt the need to ‘aww’, but I didn’t.

I sat down beside Alex and yawned slightly.

‘Woah, Gee! You’re wearing glasses!’ I looked at Jack, whose mouth was open in a perfect ‘O’ shape.

I chuckled.

‘Jet lag messes with my eye sight a bit more than it should…’ I muttered, as Ami set down a carton of orange juice in front of me.

I looked at the carton, then at Ami, again at the carton and then at Ami. It was silent for a few seconds, before we exclaimed loudly.

‘OJ!’ And then we burst into a fit of laughter.

‘What the f*ck just happened?’ Jack started laughing, as Alex tried to keep a straight face.

‘You wouldn’t understand…’ Ami turned around to continue on making pancakes and I took a large gulp of orange juice.

We sat silent for a minute, before Alex stood up and motioned for me to follow him.

I furrowed my brows and followed him out of the kitchen and into the living room. As soon as I set foot in it, I felt arms around me and I smelled Alex’s cologne. It made me a bit dizzy…

‘Welcome back.’ He whispered so quietly, I wasn’t sure if I heard him, but my heart did a few leaps and I smiled warmly.

It felt too good to be true…
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment, please? [: I won't know where to improve, so that I could make this story better...

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed. C: