Three Damn Words


I glared at the man Ami was hugging. Seriously, was I blind or something, because he wasn’t THAT attractive… Alex and Jack put together were more attractive than him!

I rolled my eyes, as I watched Ami jump up and down in her spot, as Garen stood there smiling with a bouquet of roses in his hand. Then Ami attacked him in a hug and they started kissing. I felt the need to gag, so I quickly turned around and walked into the kitchen to put our dinner into the plates.

I tried to resist the temptation of spitting into Garen’s plate, but I didn’t need to try that hard, because both him and Ami, walked into the kitchen.

‘Hey, Gee.’ He sent a smile my way and I smiled back fakely. If only he knew I wanted him out of Ami’s life…

I put three plates full of rice and sour-sweet chicken on the table and sat down in front of Ami.

‘Bon appetite.’ I smiled slightly, as Ami chuckled.

We started eating and I took notice of the silence that was in the kitchen.

‘So, Garen… How was work?’ I asked and I saw him tense up from the corner of my eye.

‘Good. My boss is very needy. I had a lot of work for the past few weeks. I’ll need to leave for the whole weekend two weeks from now…’ I looked up at Ami to see her reaction, but she was too absorbed in watching Garen.

‘Ohh…’ I muttered, as I chewed on my food.

There was a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that made me think that Garen was lying to us.

‘I’m so glad you’re here.’ Ami smiled at Garen and I looked down at my plate.

I had to finish eating soon. I couldn’t look at all their ‘lovey-feely’ interactions.

‘I’m glad to be here too…’

I popped the last piece of chicken into my mouth and chewed slowly, glad to have a reason to leave them alone.

‘We need to talk…’ Garen muttered and I looked up.

He slid out of his seat and on to the ground, so he was kneeling on one knee.

My eyes got wide and I felt my heart stop beating.

‘Ami…’ He started and I shifted my gaze to Ami’s face.

She was shocked, her eyes were wide and she seemed happy.

‘I love you so much. Please, marry me..?’

Time stopped and I felt a pang in my chest. Worry filled me and I looked at Ami, who smiled and attacked Garen, while shouting:

‘Yes..! Garen, yes!’ They hugged and I tried to keep a straight face.

‘Congratulations, guys.’ I smiled when they let each other go. I stood up and put my plate beside the sink.

‘I’ll leave you two alone.’ I left the kitchen as quickly as I could. I couldn’t be there…

I almost flew into my room and closed the door behind me.

‘What the hell..?’ I kept repeating to myself, as I paced around my room. I ran my hand through my hair every two seconds and I kept biting my lip.

I couldn’t tell anyone of what happened now, because I had no right to tell. Ami had to do that. Ami had to tell everyone what kind of a mistake she was making.

‘Such a freaking idiot…’ I muttered, fuming at Garen.

I stopped in the middle of my room and felt my eyes fill with tears.

How was Jack going to take this? He had fallen for Ami hard and everyone could see it, except Ami. She just continued on being herself when he was with him.

She didn’t notice how he flirted with her and she flirted back. She didn’t notice anything, because she was so transfixed to that stupid excuse of a man…

I sighed hard, as I slid to the ground painfully. I ignored the pain and lied down.

Mixed up emotions were swirling inside of me and I couldn’t tell what was I thinking about. I know I wanted, no, I had to make Ami see what kind of a mistake she was making. I had to make her realize that before that stupid American boy hurt her.
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It'll be a long time till I update again. :c

I'd apreciate some ideas, criticism, comments and etc. :]

Thank you for reading.

Garen, Ami and Gee belong to me.

Have a good night/day. c: