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Here On Planet Earth!?

What's this for...Hoodini?


My eyelids felt heavy, my breath was caught in my throat and I felt numb all over.
Like somebody just grabbed and threw me against the wall. Well thats not far from the thruth.My head was spinning and I felt sick to my stomach. But these are feelings that I’m quite used too. You see, this has been happening to me ever since I was a kid. Well I’m still am a kid, but you know what I mean.

Most days I would get home from school hoping my father isn’t there and go to my room. But an hour later he arrives and beats the living crap out of me. Why do i let him do that you ask? well simple mother.

My mother : Morion Mick Micheals got into a car accident and is in a coma. The doctors said she won't be able to come out of it. My step father : Bill Richardson told the doctors to pull the plug. I said no and he found out that was gay and started beating me up. He told me if I let him beat me up and didn't tell the police he wouldn't pull the plug on my poor defenseless mother. I, of course said yes.

My eyelids felt heavy for some reason. I tried opening them, but they wouldn't budge. After a minute of trying they finally opened revealing a room. Not my room. But some room. It was white, with a tiled white ceilling and a marbled white floor. It had this hospital kinda smell....wait! WAIT!!!

Was i in a hospital? What!? What happend? All i remember was my dad hitting me in the head with a bat and i think i passed out.

Just then the door opened and entered a woman with hot pink hair, weirdly colored brown eyes and light fair skin. She was wasn't wearing a nurse's uniform, enstead was wearing this gypsie's outfit. You know the ones with those puffy white blouses, long brown skirts and jewelry around them. Yes those ones. She was also holding a black box in her hands. Who is she anyway?

"Oh, your awake!" She exclaimed like it was the happiest thing in the world. She came closer to me, sitting at the edge of the bed. I sat up and stared at her. "who are you, why am I here?" I asked. She fows her eyebrows "you don't remember?" She asked.

"No, well not exactly" i told her. I wasn't about to tell her my dad abused me.

"okay well, your next door neighbor heard screaming and came to see what was going on and found your father leaving the house. when she entered the house she saw your body on the floor covered in blood, she called an ambulance and... here you are now" she said smilling like she was telling a story. O-kay, weird. hmm, screaming? who was screaming?

"who was screaming?". She smiles "you". Huh? that doesn't make sense. Bill hit me over the head with the baseball bat and then i passed out. I couldn't have screamed. Was it Bill?

"umm, oh, uh.... are you sure i screamed" She giggles and then nods. weird.
"oh, oh, oh, I just remembered....Here" she says handing me the black box. I stared at her oddly "whats this for?" She smiles "It's for you. Special people should always be rewarded!" she says standing and making her way to the door.

"Wait! What do you meam. Who are you?"

She laughed this insane laugh and replied "Sebastian Mick Micheals, you are one very special boy. And special boys should always be rewarded. That box your holding will grant you your wish......just becareful what you wish for." She says smilling. she opens the door to leave.

"What do you mean by that? How do you know my name? who are you?" I shouted to her. I was so confused, who is this woman?

She smiles this weird smile, like she knows something. "I mean Sebastian your gonna get something special and I know you all too well!"

"huh? Who are you?"

She laughs "Call me Hoodini" and with that she left the room, leaving me sitting there confused and weireded out.
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Thanks You-hugs.from.holly for commenting!!! I appreciate it!

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