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Here On Planet Earth!?




"Hoodini! What have you done?" Persal Called out.
I laughed "Nothing, I'm just rewarding him, He deserves it".

Persal groaned "If you say so. But are you sure Sebastian is the one?"

"Yes Persal i'm sure, It's just a matter of time before everything falls into place"

"Hmm, What if-"

"Stop it Persal, Sebastian is the one I'm sure of it, and besides if I'm wrong we still have Cahill!"

"Fine! I trust you Hoodini. But If Sebastian fails, Greed will be after them"

I sighed "Yes I know. But thats a risk i'm willing to take"

"Fine have it your way"



I's been 2 days since that incident and i was free to leave the hospital. I didn't have any serious head injuries. I'm glad though. But what I'm really happy about is that they finally put Bill in jail That bastard deserves it. And I'm really glad that i get to live with my aunt Alice.

She's really cool but i don't like her much. As for my mom shes still im that coma. But whats really on my mind is that Hoodini lady. Who was she anyway and why did she give me that box. It's not like that black box could give what i really want. It's just a box and nothing else.

I sighed placing the black box under my bed and laying on my bed. Right now i was in Alice's house in her guest bedroom, but now it's my room. I'm really happy to get away from that place and Bill.

Wow, these past few days have been weird. Days like that makes me wish i was someplace else. Somewhere where i wouldn't have to worry, a place like paradise. But it doesn't exist. I closed my eye "I wish I could go someplace different from this world, a place where i could be happy and get away from my troubles" I whispered to myself.

"A place, my boy!" My eyes pops open and I jump startled. I looked around the room.No one.
"calm down Sesbastian your hearing things" i say to myself. "No your not, boy!" I jump off the bed and looked franticly around the room.

What ever it was laughed "Don't be scared, my boy!".

I keep looking around the room.

No body was there. Was i hearing things?

I stumbled backwards, my back hitting the wall. My eyes darted to every inch of my room. My whole body began shaking uncontrollably for some reason. My heart started pounding against my chest daring to break loose, my throat was dry and i felt like some one was sufficating me.

My head was swaming with a bunch of thoughts. I felt panicked...scared, no terrifield. I took took a couple deep breaths to calm myself down, but my breath came out in hallow puffs. My eyes were still wandering around the room making sure that no one was there.

Even though my eyes saw absolutely no one, i could feel a presence. Calm down Sebastian, your imagining things. Yah, that's it. I'm imagining things, i mean ghosts aren't real. It';s just my mind playing tricks on me, seriously Who ever heard of a person phasing threw a solid concerte wall. I sighed in relief. It was just all in my imagination. But if it was all in hillucination why do i feel like this. Why do i feel the need to run away. Why do i feel the need to get out of here, to go someplace far, far away from here. "Why?" I whispered to myself.

“Why what my dear boy!” I jumped. I franticly looked around the empty room. No one was in the room with me. A crude and maniacal laughter erupted. Yet no one but me was in here. And I doubt it would be Alice. I gasped for air i still felt like some one was sufficating me. More laughter erupted. It sounded amused. Was I hearing things? “W-w-w-whose t-t-there?” I asked panicked. What ever it was laughed again. But just then I heard this eerie sound. It' didn't sound normal. It laughed again. Then suddenly out of nowhere a gust of wind clashed with my body making me crouched down to the floor burring my head in my knees. To be honest I was scared. I don"t know what was happening. It felt weird, strange, but for some reason it felt.....nice.

After a minute or two the wind stopped. I waited with my head burried into my knees for a reaction but nothing happened. so slowly i looked up to see absolutely nothing. Carefully I stood up looking franticly around the room again.The black box sitting right in the middle of my room caught my attention.

It was sitting there slightly opened. I don't remember opening it or even putting it there in the first place. I gulped. Theres something weirdly creepy going on around here.

It was just siiting on the floor just begging me to come pick it up and see whats inside. Taunting me to go take a peek. I knew for some reason it wanted me to go and pick it up.

Slowly and carefully I began walking towards it. I bent down and picked it up. I gulped. Slowly I peeked inside.

I gasped and dropped it on the floor. I steped back against the wall again, with my hands over my chest and closed my eyes.

I opened them up again and locked back at the box. I gashed and covered my mouth.

The black box layed on the floor on it's sides. But underneath it was some sort of spiraling vortex.

I looked at it in shocked. What is happening?

Just then the vortex got bigger and bigger. I just stood there staring like an idiot.
As it grew bigger I felt like my body was being pulled into it.

A thought occurred to me.

A swirling black vortex opened up in the middle of my room. It was trying to suck me into it.

I let out a high pitched scream and tried to run out the room but it was too strong.

I tried desperately to get away from it. “Alice!” I yelled. “She can’t hear you my boy” that voice again snarled. “Alice!” I yelled. Then it happened. A sharp pain shot threw my entire body; like I’ve just been slammed to the ground by a bolt of electricity. I screamed and dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. It laughed again “Wha-”
Was the only thing that passed my lips before I was sucked into the vortex? A world of darkness was consuming me.

I felt my body falling and falling and my mind slipping into a unconscious state.

Whats gonna happen to me.....?
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