Status: Updates may be a little slow at first.


Chapter 2

Adam’s POV.

After I finish my lunch I go down to the library, I sit at the end of the middle table and take out my maths homework.

I look over and see Destry over in a small corner I look at him for awhile. he’s so beautiful.

I stop and put my pen down on my book and walk over to where he is sitting.

“Hey I noticed you’re not talking to anyone so I through I come and chat with you is that ok?” I ask.

He didn’t say anything I just waited for a response and he started writing on a piece of paper.

“Yes that’s fine I guess it’s just I don’t normally talk to people at all so I don’t know what to say.” he handed me back the folded up piece of paper I unfolded it and read it.

“Oh well that’s ok I have heaps to talk about.” I went over to where i was sitting and ripped a few pages out cut them in half and handed them to him.

“I will speak you can write is that ok?” I say.

“Yes that’s fine.” he wrote back.

“So what make you always sit alone at lunch times?” I ask curiously.

“Oh I can’t tell you.” he gave me the piece of paper and smiled I smiled back unfolded it and nodded to tell him it was ok.

“You have a really nice smile did you know that?” he blushes.

“Oh thank you, I like your hair and those glasses really suite you so well.” he smiles.

Ring! Ring!

“Oh well that’s the bell it was nice having a chat with you we definitely need to talk again and don’t be a loner come and hangout with me only if you want to.” I tell him.

I wave at him when I finish packing my stuff up and I towards the hall and into my maths class.

“Hello Adam, have you finished your homework?” the teacher asks.

“Ahh no sorry sir.” I mumble.

“Well I don’t want you missing out on it again, get it done tonight or else I will have to call your parents.” he says sternly.

“Yes sir, sorry.” I take my seat.

Ring! Ring!

Finally! I think to myself I get to go home! Oh yes, joy, home..

I walk home from the bus stop, Kelly is home, I hear screaming and she’s in a bad mood, great..

I walk into the house and Kelly is staring at me red faced.

“What the fuck are you doing here?!” she screeches.

“I live here remember? Why are you in such a foul mood?” I ask lightly.

“Because your fucking father got fired and I don’t need you around to bother me!” she yells.

“I only just stepped inside the door and I haven’t done anything wrong.” I sneer.

“Yes you did! I got a phone call today off your maths teacher saying you haven’t done your maths homework, is that true?” she yells louder.

“Yes but I..” I start to say.

“But you what Adam? Its always the fucking excuses with you!” she rages.

She walked over to me and slapped me across the face.

“WHAT THE FUCK?” I yell.

“Go to your room now! And don’t fucking come down for dinner.” bitch..

I walk up stair to my room and shut the door, face it’s burning with pain, god it hurts.

“Fuck I can’t live with them anymore.” I say out loud.

I grab my knife, I have faint scars from last time and I start cutting again until there is blood I wear my arm bands for the rest of the night and start packing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi guys!
Things in this story are going to be a bit all over the place till we get our shit together.
I hope your all enjoying this so far :D