Status: Updates may be a little slow at first.


Chapter 3

Destry POV

I wake in the morning and feel the stickiness in my boxers, I sigh, another wet dream about Adam..

“DESTRY!” Bridget yells as she runs into my room, I quickly make sure she can't see the bed sheets.

I smile sleepily at her.

“Just making sure your awake.” she turns around and walks out.

I get up and walk into my bathroom to take a shower.


I step out of the relaxing warm water and towel dry my hair, I wrap the towel around my waist and walk back into my bedroom to get dressed.

I dress in my tightest black skinny jeans, a black singlet that says 'Drop Love Not Bombs' on it, a pair of black converse and finally a black cardigan to stop my arms burning in the sun.

I pull the sheets off my bed and pick my boxers up off the bathroom floor before I go downstairs, I walk into the laundry and chuck the stuff into the machine, add washing powder and close the lid before I press start.

“Destry can I have a lift to school? .” Bridget asks as I walk into the kitchen to get breakfast, I nod and make myself some toast, sometimes I wonder why I even bother eating food when I'm just gunna throw it up later..

“You ready?” Bridget asks.

“Yep, but can we stop at the supermarket on the way?” I write on the note pad that was on the table.

“What for?” her eyebrows knit together.

“Need more smokes.. I ran out on Tuesday.. Please?” I beg, I'm in desperate need for them.

“You need to quit Des.” she sighs and I just give her puppy dog eyes.

“Fine hurry up.” she gets her bag and I get up and grab mine and the car keys.

“Just the usual?” Bridget asks when we stop at the supermarket and I nod.

I leave the car running as I listen to Black Veil Brides and wait for Bridget to get back.

When she gets back in the car she tosses the packet of cancer sticks at me.

“Thank you!” I write on my hand.

“It's fine.” she yawns.

We get to the school and I park my car and get out.

“See ya after school Des.” Bridget waves and walks off.

I lock my car and walk around the front of it, I put my bag on the hood and begin to search for my lighter, I finally find it and zip up my bag. I pull a cigarette out of the packet and put it between my lips and light it, I inhale deeply, I can feel the smoke enter my lungs and god does it feel good.

“That's gunna kill you you know?” I jump at the sound of the voice and I turn to see Adam.

I get a piece of paper and a pen out of my bag.

“You scared the fuck out of me.” I write quickly and hand him the paper.

“Oh sorry.” he chuckles, I nod and finish my cigarette.

I put my lighter and my deck in the front pocket of my bag, I walk off and Adam walks next to me.

“I'll see you later.” I write to Adam.

“Okay.” he smiles warmly at me.

I walk quickly into the bathroom and chuck my breakfast up, I put a stick of gum in my mouth and walk out.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's your second update today cause you guys are awesome.
Thanks to all our lovely commenters, subcribers and readers <3

Ready Set Love

Destry's shirt:

I don't know how to make link thingys.
