Status: Updates may be a little slow at first.


Chapter 4

Adams POV

I wake up in my bed and I turn to put my glasses on, fuck my wrist kills. I cuts are scabbed over now.

I get up and go over to the draws put my favourite shirt on and white skinny leg jeans and black converse. I also got my black bands and put them over the cuts so they weren’t visible

I went down stairs grabbed a nutrigrain bar out of the pantry and got my bag.

Before I left the house the phone rang.

“Hello.” I answered/

“Hey Adam, its Nan how are you going?” she asks kindly.

“Oh hey, yeah I’m ok and you?” I ask back.

“Yes I’m well thank you. I heard about you getting kicked out of home last night.” her tone changes.

“Well I didn’t get kicked out but I’m moving out.” I tell her.

“Oh dear where are you going to live?” she asks worriedly.

“You know you can always come and stay with me until you have yourself sorted.” she lets me know.

“Oh thanks Nan that means a lot to me, I’ll think about it.” I tell her.

“Good. Anyway sweetie I have to go now I just rang to see if your coping alright.” she says.

“Thanks Nan. I'll talk soon. Love you bye.” I smile.

“Ok darl love you too bye.” she says hanging up.

I put the phone down and head off to school.

I get to school and a weird girl comes up to me and looks at my wrists.

“Are you emo?” she says randomly.

“What the fuck?” I give her a weird look.

“Well you know you look it and did you cut yourself? You’re a fucked up freak you know that.” she laughs.

“Yeah well I guess I am but you know I really couldn’t give a fuck, so why don’t you turn your ugly face of yours around and go fuck a random guy, you might get another STD.” I try not to laugh.

She gave me an evil stare, stuck her rude finger up and mumbled something like “fucking emo.” before she walked off. I chucked then turn towards the school when I see Destry out of the concern of my eye.

“That's gunna kill you you know.” I say.

“You scared the fuck out of me.” he wrote on a piece of paper.

“Oh sorry. How was your afternoon?”

“It was fine, I dyed my hair.” he writes then looks at me and smiles.

“It looks very nice.” I smile back.

“Thanks.” he blushes.

“No problem” I smile then the bell rings.

“Ahh that the bell. I see you soon, bye.” he just waves.

At lunch I see him sitting alone eating a small sandwich so I decide to go over there and chat to him. I want to get to know him better.

“Hey can I join you?” I ask as I stand in front of him.

“Yeah sure you can.” he writes.

“Great. So what do you like doing?” I ask as I sit down.

“I love to listen to music, especially BVB. What about you.?” he hands me the note.

“I love BVB and Bring Me The Horizon are great as well.” he looked at my wrists.

“Did you hurt yourself?” he writes.

“Yeah, something along those lines.” I look down.

“Oh dear” he writes.

Ring, Ring.

Saved by the bell.

“Oh well I can’t be late to class again. It was nice taking to you Adam.” Destry smiled and handed me his note. I read it and waved at him before he walks off.