Status: Updates may be a little slow at first.


Chapter 5

Destry POV

At lunch I sit and eat my sandwich when I see Adam out the corner of my eye.

“Hey can I join you?” he asks as he stands in front of me.

“Yeah sure you can.” I write on the paper I have next me.

“Great. So what do you like doing?” He asks as he sits down. What an odd thing to ask..

“I love to listen to music, especially BVB. What about you.?” I hand him the paper, he reads it and gives it back to me.

“I love BVB and Bring Me The Horizon are great as well.” Then I notice the cuts all over his wrists, it makes me sick to the stomach.

“Did you hurt yourself?” I write.

“Yeah, something along those lines.” He looks down.

“Oh dear” I write and try not to look again.

Ring, Ring. Goes the bell.

“Oh well I can’t be late to class again. It was nice taking to you Adam.” I write, he reads it and waves at me.

Pfftt I'm not going to class I need a smoke.

On my way towards the back of the school I stop at the toilets and throw up my lunch.

When I get behind the back building I get my deck and my lighter out of my bag, then I throw the bag carelessly to the ground.

I light the cigarette and breath in the cancerous fumes, I feel relaxed. I slid down onto the ground.

Why is Adam all of a sudden so interested in me? I've liked him for 2 years and now he decides he wants to be my friend? It's not like I'm complaining or anything..

I hear footsteps and I hide the cigarette behind my back. Someone steps around the corner quickly and I gasp. Adam?

He turns around and jumps, then he places a hand over his heart.

“Shouldn't you be in class?” he asks quietly. I hold up my cigarette and he shakes his head.

“I told you that's gunna kill you one day.” he sighs and slides down the wall to sit next to me.

“So what brings you here?” he asks curiously.

I pull some paper out of my bag and start to write on it.

“I got sprung in my other spot so I decide I'd come around here.” I hand it to him and take a long drag of my smoke and then put it out.

“Fair enough.” he closes his eyes.

We sit in a comfortable silence for about five minutes before he asks the one question I don't want to answer.

“Why don't you speak?”

Should I trust him with my secret? I feel like I can trust him but the only person who knows is my sister.. I've never trusted anyone else.

“Promise you wont tell anyone?” I write shakily on the paper and hand it to him.

“I promise.” I look into his beautiful green eyes.

“When I was 12 I was sexually abused by my boyfriend who was 15, after he took my virginity we were together for a year, he use to beat me and tell me that I had an awful voice and I should stop talking. So one day I just stopped.” by the time I finished writing it I had tears streaming down my face, I crumpled the paper up and shoved it in his hand.

“I'm sorry.” he whispers and pulls me into a hug.

I cry into his chest and when I sniffle all I can smell is his intoxicating scent, he smells like chocolate and it's amazing.

After a while I stop crying but I don't move, I just keep my face burred in his chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
So the secrets out! What do you think?
I'm sorry this took so long to get out, but it's here now!
<3 brrroookee!