Status: short story.

It's Just a Dream

Secret Embrace

It was strange, my dream. I didn't want it to end, yet it was wrong. My dream was about insest, what a strange dream it was.
I was in what seemed to be Toys 'R Us. It mostly consisted of dolls in risque clothing. Board games were there too. It was strange, they had what i think was an evolution of Mr. and Mrs. Potato Heads. Some had actual legs and some were three feet tall.
I was walking along, looking at the Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head evolution when my cousin Patrick came out around the corner. I gave him a hug and he hugged me back. Then, out of nowhere, my step-cousin Zac appeared. I hadn't seen him in years so I ran and hugged him. We were laughing while he was swinging me around. There was something different about him i thought when we were still swinging, I wanted to latch onto him like a leech, but I didn't.
Then something common in my dreams happened. He turned to my childhood friend, Max with some facial hair. He was still my cousin Zac, but he looked, sounded, and acted like my friend Max. We talked for a while, bumping shoulders, hands grazing each others. I showed him the Mrs. Potato Head that had cleavage in a bikini, which gave us a good laugh.
We walked some more, holding hands. Then we had an embrace. It just happened, it was random, out of nowhere, but we stayed like that. We were cheek to cheek, his small beard tickling me. You could feel the restraint, the wanting, the confusion. We could have easily kissed. The corners of our mouths a hair apart.
But then I saw the family, all waiting outside the glass door to get in. I pulled back, but he had my arms locked to this sides. I tried to pull away, but couldn't. I was worried our family would see us,and what they would think. He was staring at me the whole time. It was confusing. I didn't know know how to feel. Should I be scared, mad, I honestly didn't know!
then he let me go, and we walked happily outside together to greet the family. We acted normal, like nothing happened, and our feelings weren't stronger. No one knew our secret, our secret embrace.