Status: Active:)

In Over Our Heads

Beautiful Friendship

(Time lapse)

After we got out the Airport, We caught a ride with Jake and his Dad.Let me tell you this: It was pretty smushed In that sucker. For some reason Jake kept staring at me like a Creeper.I tried to ignore the stare in the Airport, but this is just weird!
" Take a picture .It'll last longer"
I say while trying to put a soft smile on my face.
"I .uh..I wasn't.. Uh staring.!"
He says rubbing his neck slowly.
" Okay. If you say soo." And with that the confersation was a Wrap. I force myself not to look at his half naked body and soft looking hair. I wonder if he has a girlfriend?
Well me not being the shy girl I am I ask
" Do you have a girlfriend jake?"Totally sounded nosy.
" Umm. no. Why" He answers with his hope filled eyes.
"Just wondering!"
" You think I'm Hot don't you?" While flashing his muscles , he offers me the most arrogant smile ever.
" oh yeah. I can barely contain myself from jumping you right here right now." Note sarcasm.
" Whatever. You know I'm Irresistable." HE teases.
I playfully roll my eyes at him and say
" Sure sure!" As soon as I say that His Eyes widen.
" HEY. Don't Take my phrase!" He asks.
" Whatever. It was mines first." I stick my tongue out and smack him in the back of the head.He pouts playfully and turn towards the window.
" Be That way Pedobear" I say tauntingly.
"Okay .Girl who says words nobody in the worlds heard of !"He smiles at me and I can't help but, smile back. I think I'm Gonna like him alot. The fact that he's hot count's too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I took soo long. I had writers block. not writing anymore until I get 4 more comments from dif. poeple. Thanx for reading!:)o