
The first encounter

Jessica was walking the streets of Arizona, which she loved doing was going for walks, even back home she went for walks and she wasn’t about to stop doing that now that she had moved here in Arizona.
She seen some red headed guy walking with his eyes set on this little girl, he thought it was kind of suspicious so she stopped quickly then ran across the street close behind him and hid behind a tree to watch him.
Next thing she knew the guy was grabbing the little girl the way a kidnapper would.
“Oh hell no.” She whispers to only herself. She then ran up behind him and put her arm around his neck quickly, giving him a choke hold. “Let go of her you freak!”
“Whoa, whoa.” The guy quickly let go of the little girl.
The little girl turned around quickly “What are you doing to uncle Eric?”
“Oh honey a guy that grabs you like that isn’t your uncle. Go inside tell your parents to call the police.” With that the little girl ran inside.
“Let go of me, it’s just a game. We’re teaching her stuff.”
“Yeah right! That’s not a game you play!”
Just then the little girl came back outside with her mother, “Hey let go of Eric. I know what he’s doing.”
“Wait you’re in on him kidnapping your child too? What kind of sick freaks are you?! Having someone try to kidnap your daughter?!” She pulled out her cell phone and called 911 and told them what was going on.
“They aren’t lying! I know what they are doing too.” The little girl stated.
“Just let me go so we can explain.” The red headed, known as Eric, choked out.
Jessica groaned and tossed him to the groaned since they were on the grass.
“Listen we were doing a teaching lesson on what she should do if someone came up behind her to kidnap her while she was outside playing and you intervened before she could do anything.” The mom explained, “I wouldn’t want someone to intentionally kidnap my child. I’m not a bad mom like that.”
“Oh, snap.” Jessica sighed. “I’m really sorry.” She then reached her hand down to Eric to help him up.
“It’s okay, I understand where you’re coming from, I know if I was in your positioned I probably would have done the same thing.” The lady stated as Eric took Jessica’s hand and got up.
Just then the police showed up so they had to explain to them the situation and how it was all just a misunderstanding. After talking to the police officers and explaining everything they left.
“Well this here is Leila.” The lady stated as she ran her hand down the back of the little girls head, “I’m Gab, and that’s Eric.” She pointed to Eric when she said his name.
“Good to meet you all, I’m Jessica. Look I really am sorry, especially to you.” She looks at Eric, “Since I grabbed your neck so hard and threw you to the ground like I did.”
“It’s okay.” He rubbed his hand on the front of his neck, “No harm done.” He chuckles lightly.
“You want to join us for lunch?” Gab asked Jessica.
“Oh no I don’t want to intervene more than I already have.” Jessica put her hands up shaking her head.
“Oh don’t worry about it. You are more then welcomed to join us. Think of it as a way to make it up to us.” Gab giggled.
That made Jessica laugh lightly “Okay that works.”
They all went inside and had lunch and got to know each other, Jessica thought Eric was really hot. She thought maybe him and Gab were together but she found out they weren’t and that they had been friends for a while. Leila’s dad was a guy named Craig who used to be in the same band as Eric.
“So is this band still together now that you don’t have a lead singer?” Jessica questioned looking towards Eric.
“Oh yeah, see Craig is in another band-” He answered.
“Escape the fate right?” Jessica interrupted.
“Uh yeah.” Eric chuckled, “I take it you’ve heard of them.”
“You can say that.” She laughs, “I thought Leila and Gab looked familiar but I wasn’t sure until it was stated that Leila was Craig’s daughter.”
“So that means you’ve probably heard of the band I’ve been in.” Eric stated as Gab cleaned Leila up and then Leila went and played.
“Uhm maybe?” She wasn’t quite sure if she had or not.
“Blessthefall.” Eric stated, answering her confusion.
Jessica snorted out of surprised trying not to choke on what she had just taken a drink of, she swallowed what she had in her mouth, “Holy shizz, yes I have! You’re guys music is the shit!” She said to him happily.
Eric chuckled “Then I’m surprised you didn’t recognize me right away then.”
Jessica pointed a finger at him, “Just cause I said that your guys music is the shit does not mean I know what you guys look like. I don’t know about all the other fans but I don’t spend all hours of the day looking at pictures of you guys. I pay way more attention to bands music then their looks.” She said in a serious tone then laughed softly. She had actually lied a little, she did know what the guys look like but the other things she said was true. She hadn’t spent hours looking at pictures.
“Oh okay.” He smirked.
“I’m not obsessed with your guys looks.” She said truthfully, “But I do love your guys music.” She shrugged one shoulder and finished her drink.
“Well that’s good.” He smiled at her then seen the time. “Oh shit I’ve got to get going.” He said as Gab came back in the dining room.
“Oh okay, thanks for helping me, maybe we can try it again some other time too.” She started cleaning everything up.
Eric stood up. “Got to get to band practice.” He looks at Jessica “Want to join me?”
“Oh no, I probably will stay here with Gab and help her clean up from lunch if that’s okay with her.”
“Don’t be serious.” Gab stated “There’s not much to do here.” Points to the dishwasher, “All I have to do is put the dishes in there and it does all the other work.” She laughed. “So you go ahead and go with him if you want. You’ll love the other guys.”
Jessica had looked at where she pointed then had looked back at Gab “Those are lifesavers sometimes.” She laughs then looks at Eric, “Well then, I guess I will go with you then.” She smiles.
“All right then.” Eric stated.
They then said bye to Gab and Leila then walked out of the house.
“You got your own vehicle?” Eric asked after they walked outside.
“Yeah I do but it’s at my place. I was taking a long walk when I uh yeah.” She laughs.
“Well we will just take my car to practice and you can ride with me if that’s okay.”
Jessica nods “That’s totally fine with me. Plus it saves gas.”
They then got into Eric’s car and headed towards where Eric’s band had to practice.
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Thanks for reading, sorry if it's not that great