
Long Time No See

It has been a couple of months a couple of months since the accident and so Eric’s wound on his side is fully healed. Jessica went back to work since then, she was happy to be able to work again cause she hated just sitting around the apartment.

She had just gotten off work and instead of going to anyone’s place she went home to relax a little bit cause she had just worked a double shift. As soon as she got into the apartment she took off her shoes, something she did every time she walked into the house cause she didn’t like walking through the apartment with her shoes on. She walks over to the couch and lays down.

“Oh Mr. couch how I love you for being so comfortable.” She smiles folding her arms under her head.

The next thing she knew she was being woke up by her phone ringing. She shook her head and reached into her purse that was sitting on the floor by the couch and pulled out her phone. She hit the send button and put the phone to her ear.

“He-hello?” She asked, which it came out groggily.

“Hey baby.” He smiles.

“Eric?” She sat up.

“Well yeah.” He chuckled, “I hope no one else calls you that.”

“Nope no one else does.” She giggled some.

“Were you asleep?”

“Yeah but it’s okay. I actually didn’t mean to fall asleep. I worked a double shift today and when I came home I decided to relax a few minutes before I called you and next thing I knew I was being woke up by you calling.”

“Oh I’m sorry.”

“No no, babe it’s fine I promise.” She grinned into the phone even though she knew he couldn’t see her. “So what’s up?”

“Not a lot, but I was wondering if you would come over? There’s someone here I would love for you to meet.”

“Okay, well I can be over in a few minutes. Just gotta change out of my work clothes then I’ll be over.”

“Sounds good, I’ll see you in a few minutes then. When you come over you don’t have to worry about knocking just go ahead and come on in.”

“All right babe, see you in a few minutes.”

“Love you, bye.” They said to each other then hung up.

Jessica got off the couch and went into her bedroom, “Hmm so I’m meeting someone knew what should I wear?”

She opened her closet and pulled out a cute shirt then grabbed a pair of pants out of her dresser and changed. Once she was done she went back into the living room. She grabbed her purse and her phone, putting the phone in her purse, then put on her shoes, grabbed her keys then walked out shutting and locking the door. After she got to Eric’s apartment and walked inside.

“Hey babe, I’m here.” She didn’t see Eric on the couch but she seen someone she knew, “Craig?” She asked surprised.

“Jessica?” He stood up, also surprised. “Wow, I haven’t seen you in months?” He goes over to her and hugs her.

Just then Eric walked back into the living room, “Hey…woah!”

Jessica and Craig broke their hugs and looks at Eric, “Hey babe.” Jessica smiles.

“You two know each other?” Eric asked them to which they nodded.

“Yeah, we met in California.” Jessica answered.

“Wait, you’ve been to California? You said that you moved here from Missouri.” Eric was a little mad cause he thought that he had been lied to.

“I did Eric, I didn’t lie to you about that. You see I came here put my stuff in storage paying a few months ahead then I decided to take a trip to California, which I ended up staying a few months there and that’s when I met Craig here.”

“So why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“I didn’t think it was important. Geez I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you everything that’s happened in my life. I’m sure you haven’t told me everything that’s happened in your life.”

Eric took a deep breath and let it out, “I know and I’m sorry. I mean it’s not a law someone has to tell someone every single thing like that.”

“It’s okay.” Jessica breathed out.

“How about we just relax and hang out?” Craig suggested.

“Sounds good.” Both Jessica and Eric stated at the same time.

And that’s what they did, they relaxed and hung out. Jessica and Craig decided to tell Eric how they met since he had asked.

“Well I was hanging out in my hotel one morning but wanted to get out so I decided to get out. I went to Starbucks, well as Beau and you calls it, Starbones.” She giggled some, “Anyways as I was getting there I pulled into the parking lot, and well he did too.” She motioned to Craig, “I was trying to find a parking spot when this idiot started to back out in front of me so I had to stop quickly so I wouldn’t hit the person. Anyways Craig had to brake quickly too since he was behind me but he didn’t brake quick enough and rear-ended me. And luckily there wasn’t any major damages since he didn’t hit me that hard. There was just some scratches on our bumpers.”

Craig nodded, “Yeah luckily, especially since my insurance had just expired and hadn’t had a chance to renew it yet.” Jessica nodded agreeing while giggling and Craig continued, “Well I felt bad for still hitting her so I offered to buy her some coffee there at Starbucks. We hung out there while drinking out coffees and I guess you could say we hit it off.”

“Wow.” Eric laughed, “You have a way with meeting people through accidents.”

As Jessica giggled agreeing with Eric, Craig looked at him confused, “What do you mean?”

“Well Jess here, we met cause she accidentally thought I was some kidnapper and tried to strangle me.” Eric told him while laughing along with Jessica.

Jessica then said, “I was taking a walk when I seen Eric approach this little girl, Leila, and I thought at first he was trying to kidnap her so I went up being him wrapped my arm around his neck, choking him some. But luckily I found out the truth and felt bad about it.”

“Leila Rose? Let me guess, her mom‘s name is Gab.” Craig asked smirking.

Jessica nodded, “Yeah how’d you know? Wait, you’re good friends with Eric so that explains how you know them.”

“You can say that.” Craig nodded, “But me and Gab used to go out and Leila is my daughter.”

“Awe, well she sure is a cutie.”

“Thanks.” He smiled.

“So I have a question. I just want to know since you two hung out and all.” Eric stated then asked, “Did you two hook up?”

Jessica and Craig looked at each other, nodded then Jessica answered, “Yeah we did. No reason to lie about it.”

They hung out longer, telling each other their adventures they’ve had with each other. Jessica and Craig had also caught up with each other since it had been so long since they had last seen each other.
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I had this chapter posted once but deleted it when someone *cough*Alba*cough* pointed something out to me & I realized I had forgot some info in the chapter so I added that info in there.